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(Revised March 21, 2006)



 225.7000 Scope of subpart.
 225.7001 Definitions.
 225.7002 Restrictions on food, clothing, fabrics, specialty metals, and hand or measuring tools.
 225.7002-1 Restrictions.
 225.7002-2 Exceptions.
 225.7002-3 Contract clauses.
 225.7003 Waiver of restrictions of 10 U.S.C. 2534.
 225.7004 Restriction on acquisition of foreign buses.
 225.7004-1 Restriction.
 225.7004-2 Applicability.
 225.7004-3 Exceptions.
 225.7004-4 Waiver.
 225.7005 Restriction on certain chemical weapons antidote.
 225.7005-1 Restriction.
 225.7005-2 Exception.
 225.7005-3 Waiver.
 225.7006 Restriction on air circuit breakers for naval vessels.
 225.7006-1 Restriction.
 225.7006-2 Exceptions.
 225.7006-3 Waiver.
 225.7006-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.
 225.7007 Restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.
 225.7007-1 Restrictions.
 225.7007-2 Waiver.
 225.7007-3 Contract clause.
 225.7008 Reserved.
 225.7009 Restriction on ball and roller bearings.
 225.7009-1 Scope.
 225.7009-2 Restriction.
 225.7009-3 Exception.
 225.7009-4 Waiver.
 225.7009-5 Contract clause.
 225.7010 Restriction on vessel propellers.
 225.7010-1 Restriction.
 225.7010-2 Exceptions.
 225.7010-3 Waiver.
 225.7010-4 Contract clause.
 225.7011 Restriction on carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.
 225.7011-1 Restriction.
 225.7011-2 Waiver.
 225.7011-3 Contract clause.
 225.7012 Restriction on supercomputers.
 225.7012-1 Restriction.
 225.7012-2 Waiver.
 225.7012-3 Contract clause.
 225.7013 Restrictions on construction or repair of vessels in foreign shipyards.
 225.7014 Restriction on overseas military construction.
 225.7015 Restriction on overseas architect-engineer services.
 225.7016 Restriction on research and development.
 225.7017 Restriction on Ballistic Missile Defense research, development, test, and evaluation.
 225.7017-1 Definitions.
 225.7017-2 Restriction.
 225.7017-3 Exceptions.
 225.7017-4 Solicitation provision.

225.7000  Scope of subpart.


      (a)  This subpart contains restrictions on the acquisition of foreign products and services, imposed by DoD appropriations and authorization acts and other statutes.  Refer to the acts to verify current applicability of the restrictions.


      (b)  Nothing in this subpart affects the applicability of the Buy American Act or the Balance of Payments Program.


225.7001  Definitions.

As used in this subpart—


      (a)  “Bearing components” is defined in the clause at 252.225-7016, Restriction on Acquisition of Ball and Roller Bearings.


      (b)  “Component” is defined in the clauses at 252.225-7012, Preference for Certain Domestic Commodities, and 252.225-7016, Restriction on Acquisition of Ball and Roller Bearings.


      (c)  “Hand or measuring tools” means those tools listed in Federal supply classifications 51 and 52, respectively.


      (d)  “Specialty metals” is defined in the clause at 252.225-7014, Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals.


225.7002  Restrictions on food, clothing, fabrics, specialty metals, and hand or measuring tools.


225.7002-1  Restrictions.

The following restrictions implement 10 U.S.C. 2533a.  Except as provided in subsection 225.7002-2, do not acquire--


      (a)  Any of the following items, either as end products or components, unless the items have been grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States:


              (1)  Food.


              (2)  Clothing.


              (3)  Tents, tarpaulins, or covers.


              (4)  Cotton and other natural fiber products.


              (5)  Woven silk or woven silk blends.


              (6)  Spun silk yarn for cartridge cloth.


              (7)  Synthetic fabric or coated synthetic fabric, including all textile fibers and yarns that are for use in such fabrics.


              (8)  Canvas products.


              (9)  Wool (whether in the form of fiber or yarn or contained in fabrics, materials, or manufactured articles).


              (10)  Any item of individual equipment (Federal Supply Class 8465) manufactured from or containing any of the fibers, yarns, fabrics, or materials listed in this paragraph (a).


      (b)  Specialty metals, including stainless steel flatware, unless the metals were melted in steel manufacturing facilities located within the United States.


      (c)  Hand or measuring tools, unless the tools were produced in the United States.


225.7002-2  Exceptions.

Acquisitions in the following categories are not subject to the restrictions in 225.7002-1:


      (a)  Acquisitions at or below the simplified acquisition threshold.


      (b)  Acquisitions of any of the items in 225.7002-1(a) or (b), if the Secretary concerned determines that items grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States cannot be acquired as and when needed in a satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity at U.S. market prices.


              (1)  The following officials are authorized, without power of redelegation, to make such a domestic nonavailability determination:


                    (i)  The Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics).


                    (ii)  The Secretary of the Army.


                    (iii)  The Secretary of the Navy. 


                    (iv)  The Secretary of the Air Force.


              (2)  The supporting documentation for the determination shall include—


                    (i)  An analysis of alternatives that would not require a domestic nonavailability determination; and


                    (ii)  A written certification by the requiring activity, with specificity, why such alternatives are unacceptable.


              (3)  Defense agencies shall follow the procedures at PGI 225.7002-2(b)(3) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) when submitting a request for a domestic nonavailability determination.


              (4)  If an official listed in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) through (iv) of this subsection makes a domestic nonavailability determination for the acquisition of titanium or a product containing titanium, that official shall—


                     (i)  Notify the congressional defense committees at least 10 days before the award of a contract that relies on such a determination; and


                    (ii)  Provide a copy of the notification and the determination to the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, as specified in PGI 225.7002-2(b)(4) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode).


              (5)  See PGI 225.7002-2(b)(5) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) for related policy memoranda.


      (c)  Acquisitions of items listed in FAR 25.104(a), unless the items are hand or measuring tools.


      (d)  Acquisitions outside the United States in support of combat operations.


      (e)   Acquisitions of perishable foods by activities located outside the United States for personnel of those activities.


      (f)  Acquisitions of food, specialty metals, or hand or measuring tools—


              (1)  In support of contingency operations; or


              (2)  For which the use of other than competitive procedures has been approved on the basis of unusual and compelling urgency in accordance with FAR 6.302-2.


      (g)  Emergency acquisitions by activities located outside the United States for personnel of those activities.


      (h)  Acquisitions by vessels in foreign waters.


      (i)  Acquisitions of items specifically for commissary resale.


      (j)  Acquisitions of end products incidentally incorporating cotton, other natural fibers, or wool, for which the estimated value of the cotton, other natural fibers, or



              (1)  Is not more than 10 percent of the total price of the end product; and


              (2)  Does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.


      (k)  Acquisitions of waste and byproducts of cotton or wool fiber for use in the production of propellants and explosives.


      (l)  Acquisitions of foods manufactured or processed in the United States, regardless of where the foods (and any component if applicable) were grown or produced.  However, in accordance with Section 8136 of the DoD Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2003 (Pub. L. 107-248) and similar sections in subsequent DoD appropriations acts, this exception does not apply to fish, shellfish, or seafood manufactured or processed in the United States or fish, shellfish, or seafood contained in foods manufactured or processed in the United States.


      (m)  Purchases of specialty metals by subcontractors at any tier for programs other than—


              (1)  Aircraft;


              (2)  Missile and space systems;


              (3)  Ships;


              (4)  Tank-automotive;


              (5)  Weapons; and


              (6)  Ammunition.


      (n)  Acquisitions of specialty metals and chemical warfare protective clothing when the acquisition furthers an agreement with a qualifying country (see 225.872).


      (o)  Acquisitions of fibers and yarns that are for use in synthetic fabric or coated synthetic fabric (but not the purchase of the synthetic or coated synthetic fabric itself), if¾


              (1)  The fabric is to be used as a component of an end product that is not a textile product.  Examples of textile products, made in whole or in part of fabric, include¾


                    (i)  Draperies, floor coverings, furnishings, and bedding (Federal Supply Group 72, Household and Commercial Furnishings and Appliances);


                    (ii)  Items made in whole or in part of fabric in Federal Supply Group 83, Textile/leather/furs/apparel/findings/tents/flags, or Federal Supply Group 84, Clothing, Individual Equipment and Insignia;


                    (iii)  Upholstered seats (whether for household, office, or other use); and


                    (iv)  Parachutes (Federal Supply Class 1670); or


              (2)  The fibers and yarns are para-aramid fibers and yarns manufactured in¾


                    (i)  The Netherlands; or


                    (ii)  Another qualifying country (see 225.872) if the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) makes a determination in accordance with Section 807 of Pub. L. 105-261 that¾


                            (A)  Procuring articles that contain only para-aramid fibers and yarns manufactured from suppliers within the United States would result in sole source contracts or subcontracts for the supply of such para-aramid fibers and yarns;


                            (B)  Such sole source contracts or subcontracts would not be in the best interest of the Government or consistent with the objectives of the Competition in Contracting Act (10 U.S.C. 2304); and


                            (C)  The qualifying country permits U.S. firms that manufacture para-aramid fibers and yarns to compete with foreign firms for the sale of para-aramid fibers and yarns in that country.


225.7002-3  Contract clauses.

Unless an exception applies—


      (a)  Use the clause at 252.225-7012, Preference for Certain Domestic Commodities, in solicitations and contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold.


      (b)(1)  Use the clause at 252.225-7014, Preference for Domestic Specialty Metals, in solicitations and contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold that require delivery of an article containing specialty metals. 


          (2)  Use the clause with its Alternate I in solicitations and contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold requiring delivery, for one of the following major programs, of an article containing specialty metals:


                     (i)  Aircraft.


                     (ii)  Missile and space systems.


                     (iii)  Ships.


                     (iv)  Tank-automotive.


                     (v)  Weapons.


                     (vi)  Ammunition.


      (c)  Use the clause at 252.225-7015, Restriction on Acquisition of Hand or Measuring Tools, in solicitations and contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold that require delivery of hand or measuring tools.


225.7003  Waiver of restrictions of 10 U.S.C. 2534.


      (a)  The waiver procedures of this section apply only if specifically authorized by reference elsewhere in this subpart.  The restrictions on certain foreign purchases under 10 U.S.C. 2534(a) may be waived as follows:


              (1)(i)  The Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics), without power of delegation, may waive a restriction for a particular item for a particular foreign country upon determination that¾


                            (A)  United States producers of the item would not be jeopardized by competition from a foreign country, and that country does not discriminate against defense items produced in the United States to a greater degree than the United States discriminates against defense items produced in that country; or


                            (B)  Application of the restriction would impede cooperative programs entered into between DoD and a foreign country, or would impede the reciprocal procurement of defense items under a memorandum of understanding providing for reciprocal procurement of defense items under 225.872, and that country does not discriminate against defense items produced in the United States to a greater degree than the United States discriminates against defense items produced in that country.


                    (ii)  A notice of the determination to exercise the waiver authority shall be published in the Federal Register and submitted to the congressional defense committees at least 15 days before the effective date of the waiver.


                    (iii)  The effective period of the waiver shall not exceed 1 year.


                    (iv)  For contracts entered into prior to the effective date of a waiver, provided adequate consideration is received to modify the contract, the waiver shall be applied as directed or authorized in the waiver to¾


                            (A)  Subcontracts entered into on or after the effective date of the waiver; and


                            (B)  Options for the procurement of items that are exercised after the effective date of the waiver, if the option prices are adjusted for any reason other than the application of the waiver.


              (2)  The head of the contracting activity may waive a restriction on a case-by-case basis upon execution of a determination and findings that any of the following applies:


                    (i)  The restriction would cause unreasonable delays.


                    (ii)  Satisfactory quality items manufactured in the United States or Canada are not available.


                    (iii)  Application of the restriction would result in the existence of only one source for the item in the United States or Canada.


                    (iv)  Application of the restriction is not in the national security interests of the United States.


                    (v)  Application of the restriction would adversely affect a U.S. company.


              (3)  A restriction is waived when it would cause unreasonable costs.  The cost of an item of U.S. or Canadian origin is unreasonable if it exceeds 150 percent of the offered price, inclusive of duty, of items that are not of U.S. or Canadian origin.


      (b)  In accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) has waived the restrictions of 10 U.S.C. 2534(a) for certain items manufactured in the United Kingdom, including air circuit breakers for naval vessels (see 225.7006).  This waiver applies to—


              (1)  Procurements under solicitations issued on or after August 4, 1998; and


              (2)  Subcontracts and options under contracts entered into prior to August 4, 1998, under the conditions described in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section.


225.7004  Restriction on acquisition of foreign buses.


225.7004-1  Restriction.

In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2534, do not acquire a multipassenger motor vehicle (bus) unless it is manufactured in the United States or Canada.


225.7004-2  Applicability.

Apply this restriction if the buses are purchased, leased, rented, or made available under contracts for transportation services.


225.7004-3  Exceptions.

This restriction does not apply in any of the following circumstances:


      (a)  Buses manufactured outside the United States and Canada are needed for temporary use because buses manufactured in the United States or Canada are not available to satisfy requirements that cannot be postponed.  Such use may not, however, exceed the lead time required for acquisition and delivery of buses manufactured in the United States or Canada.


      (b)  The requirement for buses is temporary in nature.  For example, to meet a special, nonrecurring requirement or a sporadic and infrequent recurring requirement, buses manufactured outside the United States and Canada may be used for temporary periods of time.  Such use may not, however, exceed the period of time needed to meet the special requirement.


      (c)  Buses manufactured outside the United States and Canada are available at no cost to the U.S. Government.


      (d)  The acquisition is for an amount at or below the simplified acquisition threshold.


225.7004-4  Waiver.

The waiver criteria at 225.7003(a) apply to this restriction.


225.7005  Restriction on certain chemical weapons antidote.


225.7005-1  Restriction.

In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2534 and defense industrial mobilization requirements (see Subpart 208.72), do not acquire chemical weapons antidote contained in automatic injectors, or the components for such injectors, unless the chemical weapons antidote or component is manufactured in the United States or Canada by a company that—


      (a)  Is a producer under the industrial preparedness program at the time of contract award;


      (b)  Has received all required regulatory approvals; and


      (c)  Has the plant, equipment, and personnel to perform the contract in the United States or Canada at the time of contract award.


225.7005-2  Exception.

This restriction does not apply if the acquisition is for an amount at or below the simplified acquisition threshold.


225.7005-3  Waiver.

The waiver criteria at 225.7003(a) apply to this restriction.


225.7006         Restriction on air circuit breakers for naval vessels.


225.7006-1  Restriction.

In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2534, do not acquire air circuit breakers for naval vessels unless they are manufactured in the United States or Canada.


225.7006-2  Exceptions.

This restriction does not apply if the acquisition is—


      (a)  For an amount at or below the simplified acquisition threshold; or


      (b)  For spare or repair parts needed to support air circuit breakers manufactured outside the United States.  Support includes the purchase of spare air circuit breakers when those from alternate sources are not interchangeable.


225.7006-3  Waiver.


      (a)  The waiver criteria at 225.7003(a) apply to this restriction.


      (b)  The Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) has waived the restriction for air circuit breakers manufactured in the United Kingdom.  See 225.7003(b) for applicability.


225.7006-4  Solicitation provision and contract clause.


      (a)  Use the provision at 252.225-7037, Evaluation of Offers for Air Circuit Breakers, in solicitations requiring air circuit breakers for naval vessels unless--


              (1)  An exception applies; or


              (2)  A waiver has been granted, other than the waiver for the United Kingdom, which has been incorporated into the provision.


      (b)  Use the clause at 252.225-7038, Restriction on Acquisition of Air Circuit Breakers, in solicitations and contracts requiring air circuit breakers for naval vessels unless--


              (1)  An exception applies; or


              (2)  A waiver has been granted, other than the waiver for the United Kingdom, which has been incorporated into the clause.


225.7007  Restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.


225.7007-1  Restrictions.


     (a)  In accordance with Section 8041 of the Fiscal Year 1991 DoD Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 101-511) and similar sections in subsequent DoD appropriations acts, do not acquire welded shipboard anchor and mooring chain, four inches or less in diameter, unless--


              (1)  It is manufactured in the United States, including cutting, heat treating, quality control, testing, and welding (both forging and shot blasting process); and


              (2)  The cost of the components manufactured in the United States exceeds 50 percent of the total cost of components.


      (b)  10 U.S.C. 2534 also restricts acquisition of welded shipboard anchor and mooring chain, four inches or less in diameter, when used as a component of a naval vessel.  However, the Appropriations Act restriction described in paragraph (a) of this subsection takes precedence over the restriction of 10 U.S.C. 2534.


225.7007-2  Waiver.


      (a)  The Secretary of the department responsible for acquisition may waive the restriction in 225.7007-1(a), on a case-by-case basis, if--


              (1)  Sufficient domestic suppliers are not available to meet DoD requirements on a timely basis; and


              (2)  The acquisition is necessary to acquire capability for national security purposes.


      (b)  Document the waiver in a written determination and findings containing--


              (1)  The factors supporting the waiver; and


              (2)  A certification that the acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes.


      (c)  Provide a copy of the determination and findings to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations.


225.7007-3  Contract clause.

Unless a waiver has been granted, use the clause at 252.225-7019, Restriction on Acquisition of Anchor and Mooring Chain, in solicitations and contracts requiring welded shipboard anchor or mooring chain four inches or less in diameter.


225.7008  Reserved.


225.7009  Restriction on ball and roller bearings.


225.7009-1  Scope.

This section implements Section 8065 of the Fiscal Year 2002 DoD Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 107-117) and the same restriction in subsequent DoD appropriations acts.


225.7009-2  Restriction.

Do not acquire ball and roller bearings or bearing components unless the bearings and bearing components are manufactured in the United States or Canada.


225.7009-3  Exception.

The restriction in 225.7009-2 does not apply to contracts or subcontracts for the acquisition of commercial items, except for commercial ball and roller bearings acquired as end items. 


225.7009-4  Waiver.

The Secretary of the department responsible for acquisition or, for the Defense Logistics Agency, the Component Acquisition Executive, may waive the restriction in 225.7009-2, on a case-by-case basis, by certifying to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations that--


      (a)  Adequate domestic supplies are not available to meet DoD requirements on a timely basis; and


      (b)  The acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes.


225.7009-5  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.225-7016, Restriction on Acquisition of Ball and Roller Bearings, in solicitations and contracts, unless—


      (a)  The items being acquired are commercial items other than ball or roller bearings acquired as end items;


      (b)  The items being acquired do not contain ball and roller bearings; or


      (c)  A waiver has been granted in accordance with 225.7009-4.


225.7010  Restriction on vessel propellers.


225.7010-1  Restriction.

In accordance with Section 8064 of the Fiscal Year 2001 DoD Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 106-259), do not use fiscal year 2000 or 2001 funds to acquire vessel propellers other than those produced by a domestic source and of domestic origin, i.e., vessel propellers—


      (a)  Manufactured in the United States or Canada; and


      (b)  For which all component castings were poured and finished in the United States or Canada.


225.7010-2  Exceptions.

This restriction does not apply to contracts or subcontracts for acquisition of commercial items.


225.7010-3  Waiver.

The Secretary of the department responsible for acquisition may waive this restriction on a case-by-case basis, by certifying to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations that—


      (a)  Adequate domestic supplies are not available to meet DoD requirements on a timely basis; and


      (b)  The acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes.


225.7010-4  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.225-7023, Restriction on Acquisition of Vessel Propellers, in solicitations and contracts that use fiscal year 2000 or 2001 funds for the acquisition of vessels or vessel propellers, unless—


      (a)  An exception applies or a waiver has been granted; or


      (b)  The vessels being acquired do not contain vessel propellers.


225.7011  Restriction on carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.


225.7011-1  Restriction.

In accordance with Section 8111 of the Fiscal Year 1992 DoD Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 102-172) and similar sections in subsequent DoD appropriations acts, do not acquire any of the following types of carbon, alloy, or armor steel plate unless it is melted and rolled in the United States or Canada:


      (a)  Carbon, alloy, or armor steel plate in Federal Supply Class 9515.


      (b)  Carbon, alloy, or armor steel plate described by specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials or the American Iron and Steel Institute.


225.7011-2  Waiver.

The Secretary of the department responsible for acquisition may waive this restriction, on a case-by-case basis, by certifying to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations that—


      (a)  Adequate U.S. or Canadian supplies are not available to meet DoD requirements on a timely basis; and


      (b)  The acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes.


225.7011-3  Contract clause.

Unless a waiver has been granted, use the clause at 252.225-7030, Restriction on Acquisition of Carbon, Alloy, and Armor Steel Plate, in solicitations and contracts that—


      (a)  Require the delivery to the Government of carbon, alloy, or armor steel plate that will be used in a facility owned by the Government or under the control of DoD; or


      (b)  Require contractors operating in a Government-owned facility or a facility under the control of DoD to purchase carbon, alloy, or armor steel plate.


225.7012  Restriction on supercomputers.


225.7012-1  Restriction.

In accordance with Section 8112 of Pub. L. 100-202, and similar sections in subsequent DoD appropriations acts, do not purchase a supercomputer unless it is manufactured in the United States.


225.7012-2  Waiver.

The Secretary of Defense may waive this restriction, on a case-by-case basis, after certifying to the Armed Services and Appropriations Committees of Congress that—


      (a)  Adequate U.S. supplies are not available to meet requirements on a timely basis; and


      (b)  The acquisition must be made in order to acquire capability for national security purposes.


225.7012-3  Contract clause.

Unless a waiver has been granted, use the clause at 252.225.7011, Restriction on Acquisition of Supercomputers, in solicitations and contracts for the acquisition of supercomputers.


225.7013  Restrictions on construction or repair of vessels in foreign shipyards.

In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 7309—


      (a)  Do not award a contract to construct in a foreign shipyard--


              (1)  A vessel for any of the armed forces; or


              (2)  A major component of the hull or superstructure of a vessel for any of the armed forces; and


      (b)  Do not overhaul, repair, or maintain in a foreign shipyard, a naval vessel (or any other vessel under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy) homeported in the United States.  This restriction does not apply to voyage repairs.


225.7014  Restriction on overseas military construction.

For restriction on award of military construction contracts to be performed in the United States outlying areas in the Pacific and on Kwajalein Atoll, or in countries bordering the Arabian Gulf, see 236.274(a).


225.7015  Restriction on overseas architect-engineer services.

For restriction on award of architect-engineer contracts to be performed in Japan, in any North Atlantic Treaty Organization member country, or in countries bordering the Arabian Gulf, see 236.602-70.


225.7016  Restriction on research and development.


      (a)  In accordance with Pub. L. 92-570, do not use DoD appropriations to make an award to any foreign corporation, organization, person, or entity, for research and development in connection with any weapon system or other military equipment, if there is a U.S. corporation, organization, person, or entity--


              (1)  Equally competent; and


              (2)  Willing to perform at a lower cost.


      (b)  This restriction does not affect the requirements of FAR Part 35 for selection of research and development contractors.  However, when a U.S. source and a foreign source are equally competent, award to the source that will provide the services at the lower cost.


225.7017  Restriction on Ballistic Missile Defense research, development, test, and evaluation.


225.7017-1  Definitions.

“Competent,” “foreign firm,” and “U.S. firm” are defined in the provision at 252.225-7018, Notice of Prohibition of Certain Contracts with Foreign Entities for the Conduct of Ballistic Missile Defense Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation.


225.7017-2  Restriction.

In accordance with Section 222 of the DoD Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 (Pub. L. 100-180), do not use any funds appropriated to or for the use of DoD to enter into or carry out a contract with a foreign government or firm, including any contract awarded as a result of a broad agency announcement, if the contract provides for the conduct of research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) in connection with the Ballistic Missile Defense Program.


225.7017-3  Exceptions.

This restriction does not apply—


      (a)  To contracts awarded to a foreign government or firm if the contracting officer determines that--


              (1)  The contract will be performed within the United States;


              (2)  The contract is exclusively for RDT&E in connection with antitactical ballistic missile systems; or


              (3)  The foreign government or firm agrees to share a substantial portion of the total contract cost.  Consider the foreign share as substantial if it is equitable with respect to the relative benefits that the United States and the foreign parties will derive from the contract.  For example, if the contract is more beneficial to the foreign party, its share of the cost should be correspondingly higher; or


      (b)  If the head of the contracting activity certifies in writing, before contract award, that a U.S. firm cannot competently perform a contract for RDT&E at a price equal to or less than the price at which a foreign government or firm would perform the RDT&E.  The contracting officer or source selection authority, as applicable, shall make a determination that will be the basis for the certification.


              (1)  The determination shall--


                    (i)  Describe the contract effort;


                    (ii)  State the number of proposals solicited and received from both U.S. and foreign firms;


                    (iii)  Identify the proposed awardee and the amount of the contract;


                    (iv)  State that selection of the contractor was based on the evaluation factors contained in the solicitation, or the criteria contained in the broad agency announcement; and


                    (v)  State that a U.S. firm cannot competently perform the effort at a price equal to, or less than, the price at which the foreign awardee would perform it.


              (2)  When either a broad agency announcement or program research and development announcement is used, or when the determination is otherwise not based on direct competition between foreign and domestic proposals, the determination shall not be merely conclusory.


                    (i)  The determination shall specifically explain its basis, include a description of the method used to determine the competency of U.S. firms, and describe the cost or price analysis performed.


                    (ii)  Alternately, the determination may contain—


                            (A)  A finding, including the basis for such finding, that the proposal was submitted solely in response to the terms of a broad agency announcement, program research and development announcement, or other solicitation document without any technical guidance from the program office; and


                            (B)  A finding, including the basis for such finding, that disclosure of the information in the proposal for the purpose of conducting a competitive acquisition is prohibited.


              (3)  Within 30 days after contract award, forward a copy of the certification and supporting documentation to the Missile Defense Agency, ATTN:  MDA/DRI, 7100 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC  20301-7100.


225.7017-4  Solicitation provision.

Unless foreign participation is otherwise excluded, use the provision at 252.225-7018, Notice of Prohibition of Certain Contracts With Foreign Entities for the Conduct of Ballistic Missile Defense Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, in competitively negotiated solicitations for RDT&E in connection with the Ballistic Missile Defense Program.

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