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Release No. 0517.04

Contact: Julie Quick (202) 720-4623
Angela Harless (202) 720-4623

USDA Awards $1 Million in Food Stamp Outreach Grants to Faith and Community-Based Organizations

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2004 -- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today awarded an additional $1 million in food stamp outreach grants to eight additional faith and community-based organizations. These organizations will use the awards to improve awareness and access to USDA's Food Stamp Program among eligible low-income households.

"USDA's nutrition assistance programs are an important safety net for those in need," said Veneman. "These grants provide another opportunity to improve access for low-income Americans to a nutritious diet."

The outreach grants are designed to test innovative food stamp outreach strategies to underserved, eligible, low-income individuals and families. Grantees will use this funding to establish partnerships with employers, food retailers and other USDA Food and Nutrition Service programs, as well as provide outreach services at alternate work or community sites to reach those who are eligible. The maximum award for each grant is $125,000. These awards are in addition to the eight outreach grants awarded in Sept. 2004.

The outreach strategies will be customized to fit the needs of each community. USDA plans to study the effectiveness of these strategies to educate eligible people about the nutrition benefits of the program, eligibility rules and application guidelines.

Grant opportunities were made available to public, private and non-profit organizations, including faith and community-based organizations across the nation to assist in educating eligible low-income people who are not currently participating in the Food Stamp Program.

The eight grantees are:

Name of




Community Food Bank, Inc.

Tucson, Ariz.


Good Faith Fund

Pine Bluff, Ark


City of Oakland

Oakland, Calif.


Harbor Interfaith Services, Inc.

San Pedro, Calif.


Worcester Community Action Council

Worcester, Mass.


Food Bank of Northern Nevada

Sparks, Nev.


Congreso de Latinos Unidos

Philadelphia, Pa.


Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee

Milwaukee, Wis.


The Food Stamp Program, administered by USDA's Food and Nutrition Service, is the cornerstone of federal nutrition assistance programs and provides crucial support to working poor and needy households. For more information about the food stamp program and outreach grants, visit USDA's Food and Nutrition Service Web site at


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