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Release No. 0383.04

Contact: Ed Loyd (202) 720-4623
Susan Acker (703) 305-2286 

USDA Awards $1 Million in Food Stamp Outreach Grants to Faith and Community Based Organizations

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2004 -- Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman today awarded approximately $1 million to eight faith and community-based organizations to improve access to and awareness of USDA's Food Stamp Program for eligible low-income households. 

"Providing nutrition assistance with dignity and respect is a top priority for President Bush and me," said Veneman. "These grants support community and faith-based organizations at the local level that provide unique approaches to reach eligible people." 

The purpose of the outreach grants is to test innovative food stamp outreach strategies to underserved eligible low-income individuals and families. The new grantees will use community events and education; establish partnerships with employers, food retailers and other Food and Nutrition Service programs; and test provision of services at alternate work or community sites to reach those in need. Outreach strategies will be customized to the needs of the community. USDA plans to study the effectiveness of the outreach strategies to educate eligible people about the nutrition benefits of the program, eligibility rules and application guidelines. 

"We know that there are individuals and families who are eligible for the program but still do not participate," said Veneman. "We want to ensure that everyone who is eligible for food stamp benefits knows about the program and how they can participate." 

Grant opportunities were made available to public, private and non-profit organizations, including faith and community-based organizations across the nation to assist in educating eligible low-income people who are not currently participating in the Food Stamp Program. 

The eight grantees include: 

  • Alamo Area Development Corporation - San Antonio, Texas - $125,000 

  • Community Food Resource Center - New York, New York - $125,000 

  • Hispanic Health Council, Inc. - Hartford, Connecticut - $125,000 

  • Jewish Vocational Service, Inc. - Boston, Massachusetts - $125,000 

  • Lone Star Legal Aid - Houston, Texas - $117,732 

  • Nebraska Legal Services - Omaha, Nebraska - $118,252 

  • Shared Harvest Foodbank, Inc. - Fairfield, Ohio - $124,648 

  • The Outreach Center - Morganton, North Carolina - $125,000

The Food Stamp Program, administered by USDA's Food and Nutrition Service, is the cornerstone of federal nutrition assistance programs and provides crucial support to working poor and needy households. The program provided an average of $1.8 billion a month in benefits to 21.3 million low-income participants in fiscal year 2003. For more information on the food stamp program and outreach grants, including a summary of the grantees' projects, visit the USDA's Food and Nutrition Service Web site at .


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