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FishWatch - U.S. Seafood Facts

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Chef Susan Spicer, Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana
Chef Susan Spicer
Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana

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Chef Susan Spicer, Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana
Chef Susan Spicer
Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana

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Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana
Bayona Restaurant, New Orleans, Louisiana


Profiles In Fishing

What does the word "sustainable" mean to you?

Being far-sighted, with minimal impact on the world's resources - i.e. avoiding overfishing, catching smaller and smaller fish, or farming fish in a way that negatively affects their surroundings and/or wild counterparts (or other wildlife - or humans).

What is your role in the sustainable management of U.S. Fisheries?

I can vote with my purchasing decisions every day - choosing to use, or not use, certain products - participating in moratoriums, staying informed via websites and newsletters, supporting sustainable fisheries and purveyors who chose their suppliers carefully, educating my customers via my menus or my involvement in fundraisers and awareness activities.

Why is your role so important?

The ripple effect.

Profiles in Fishing
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Logo Department of Commerce Logo National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service