Overview of Clemson Public Service Activities

Clemson Public Service Activities include four central units and numerous centers, institutes, and research/outreach facilities. The central units are:

Other services are:

Research Facilities

Archbold Tropical Research & Education Center

Conducts applied research and outreach on advancing economic and community development through environmental conservation. The center acts as a liaison for scientists interested in research, and develops educational programming and partnerships with local communities. Situated on 198 acres of richly diverse land, the center is located on the island of Dominica in the West Indies.

Biosystems Research Complex

Fosters research programs to accelerate the discovery and application of economically significant genetic technologies in agriculture, the environment and human health. The complex includes laboratory, greenhouse, and headhouse facilities on Clemson University’s campus to support research and education in biosystems technology. The component facilities of the complex provide more than 164,000 square feet of state-of-the-art research, demonstration and office space.

Clemson Experimental Forest

Includes 17,500 acres of mixed hardwood and pine forest dedicated to education, research and demonstration to develop and apply best management practices for timber, wildlife habitat and natural resources conservation. These resources include clean air, clean water, abundant wildlife, recreation opportunities and forest products.

Coastal Research & Education Center

Conducts applied research and outreach on vegetable and specialty crop production with an emphasis on the effects of plant-based foods on human health and nutrition. The center includes 325 acres for field work in addition to laboratories in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Vegetable Laboratory. Research focuses on developing production, and post-harvest methodology and pest management, the center offers instruction and experience to graduate students and collaboration with scientists

Edisto Research & Education Center

Conducts applied research and outreach on sustainable crop and livestock production systems, including row crops, vegetables, and beef cattle. Situated on 2,354 acres that include most of the major soil types of the upper Coastal Plain, the center aids citizens, researchers, students, and faculty in finding better ways to grow and harvest crops, raise beef cattle and conserve natural resources.

Pee Dee Research & Education Center

Conducts applied research and outreach on row crops with an emphasis on enhancing crops through biotechnology. Bordering South Carolina’s Florence and Darlington counties, this 2,300 acre facility focuses on the major field crops in this section of the coastal plain, along with environmental, wildlife, and ecological studies.

Research Farm Services

Supports agricultural research, teaching, and public service activities. Farms include facilities for aquaculture, beef and dairy cattle, horses, poultry, swine, fruit, and field crops.

Sandhill Research & Education Center

Conducts applied research and outreach on economic and community development, and environmental stewardship. The center houses Clemson’s Institute for Community and Economic Development, connecting the University to the citizens of South Carolina. The center’s faculty builds the collaborations needed to identify and address the state’s opportunities and challenges for the 21st century.


Centers, Institutes and Units

Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology & Forest Science

Conducts research and education programs focused on the ecology and management of the natural resources of the coastal region of South Carolina for the betterment of the state’s citizens. The institute is situated on more than 700 acres in Georgetown, SC, and conducts research on more than 80,000 acres of coastal forest through public and private partnerships.  

Clemson Institute for Economic & Community Development

Conducts research and education programs to help South Carolina communities balance economic and community development with environmental conservation. Institute programs focus on securing a livable, prosperous and sustainable future for South Carolina’s citizens.

Cooperative Extension Service

Transfers science-based information to individuals, groups and communities, and helps them apply that information to improve their quality of life. Extension agents serve each of South Carolina’s 46 counties.

Experiment Station

Develops relevant, unbiased, research-based knowledge for agriculture, natural resources and rural communities to enhance economic development. Research is conducted in laboratories, farms, and forests on the Clemson campus and at five research and education centers strategically located in the state’s distinct soil and climate regions.

Genomics Institute

Conducts research and training to discover and analyze important genes of plants, plant pests, animals and microbes to improve agriculture, human health and the environment. The facility’s web site features an online store, library, research updates, and news.

Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life

Conducts research and education programs, analyzes public policies, and provides technical assistance for community institutions that support family and neighborhood life. The Institute is comprised of five centers that address issues critical to healthy families and neighborhoods in South Carolina.

Institute for Nutraceutical Research

Conducts research and education programs on medicinal plants with an emphasis on crop cultivation and post-harvest practices, product standards, and efficacy. This statewide consortium focuses on industry-wide issues and economic development in rural South Carolina.

Leadership South Carolina

Provides gifted and highly motivated South Carolinians an opportunity to advance their leadership qualities while broadening their understanding of critical issues facing the state. This highly competitive program annually selects 55 citizens with exemplary records of service in a leadership capacity and further develops their abilities through a series of experiential programs across the state.

Livestock-Poultry Health Programs

Ensures the health and safety of livestock/poultry industries and companion animals, and protects the food supply and public health of South Carolinians. The program includes three service areas: a Diagnostic Laboratory, Animal Health Programs, and Meat and Poultry Inspection.

Nutrition Information & Resource Center

Serves as a lending library for nutrition education resources from children’s literature to technical information. The center’s Nutri-Web website houses downloadable fact sheets on a wide range of nutrition-related topics, and features books, journals, nutrition education curricula, nutrition activities and displays, and audiovisuals – all available for check-out.

Regulatory Services

Protects the environment and the food supply by ensuring the safe, effective use of fertilizers and pesticides, and the quality of seeds and plants grown in the state; analyzes soil samples and plant pest samples and makes recommendations for maximum productivity; and conducts programs that prevent agroterrorism.

Restoration Institute – Ecology Focus Area

Conducts research and education programs to develop and implement cost-effective watershed management plans that preserve environmental quality for communities throughout the state; restores compromised environments such as abandoned industrial sites to a natural balance.

Service Alliance

Develops and enhances service-learning programs that link Clemson University with community partners across the state. The alliance identifies and promotes opportunities to nurture civic responsibility for the benefit of the state and all its citizens.

Strom Thurmond Institute of Government & Public Affairs

Conducts applied research, training and critical trends analysis for public policy issues such as fiscal sustainability, land use, urban growth and water quality. The work of the institute relates to local, regional, state and national levels.

Youth Learning Institute

Develops and delivers innovative youth development programs through high-performance learning environments to build quality relationships and valuable life skills. Over 60 programs are presented at leadership centers around the state.


Outreach Facilities

Bob Campbell Geology Museum

Conducts community education programs and serves as a repository for plant and animal fossils, meteorites, minerals, stone carvings, and gems donated to the University. Located in the S.C. Botanical Garden, the museum is open daily Wednesday through Sunday.

Home & Garden Information Center

Produces and delivers information on landscape, garden and indoor plants, plant pests and diseases, and food safety, nutrition, diet and health. More than 600 fact sheets are available online or by calling 1-888-656-9988 (SC Residents only).

S.C. Botanical Garden

Serves as an interdisciplinary resource center for teaching, research and outreach to advance awareness of botanical, cultural and natural resources. The 295-acre garden features nature trails, pathways, ponds, niche gardens, and award-winning plant collections. The garden is also home to the Fran Hanson Discovery Center and Gallery, the Bob Campbell Geology Museum and the Hayden Conference Center.

T. Ed Garrison Livestock Arena

Provides facilities for year-round livestock shows and sales, exhibits, and educational programs that benefit agriculture, agribusiness and the youth of South Carolina. Facilities include two covered arenas, a cattle complex, four horse barns, vending areas and food service.


Broadcast Programs

Expeditions with Patrick McMillan

Produces and delivers information to increase awareness of environmental issues and conservation via public television. The show explains the importance of creating a sustainable environment for nature and humans, and illustrates the global connections of South Carolina’s natural and cultural resources.

Making It Grow

Produces and delivers research-based horticulture and home gardening information via public television. The show features timely, regional information, live question and answer segments, and a highly interactive website.

Your Day

Produces and delivers information relevant to South Carolina citizens via public radio. The show features diverse topics from politics to the arts, live question and answer segments, and an informative website.


More Programs & Services of Clemson Public Service Activities