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Apple Succession Plan: Nobody's Business?

News of Jobs' leave of absence renews concerns that the Apple board hasn't said enough about his replacement

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Luxury Automakers Outlook

From the Detroit Auto Show: BMW and Mercedes-Benz executives discuss their newest models and the outlook for their brands in 2009

Tech & You: Stephen H. Wildstrom

Apple's Sexy Software Upgrades

The latest improvements to iLife and iWork will keep the Mac's prices up and its market share rising


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Small Business Confidence Index

Experience a podcast and white paper on the attitudes and outlooks of today's small business owners.
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News & Analysis

First U.S. CTO May Be Indian

President-elect Obama has narrowed his choices for the top technology job to two people, both born in India

Merrill: Black Hole for BofA

With Bank of America's equity now too low to meet regulatory standards, Treasury is preparing another $10 billion capital infusion. BAC shares fell 18%

Google Hunkers Down

In a sign that even the search giant is getting stung by the recession, BW's Rob Hof says Google is cutting 100 recruiting jobs and eliminating engineering offices

Heidrick & Struggles: Beyond Executive Recruiting

With companies doing little hiring, the big executive-recruitment firm is branching out into consulting on executive retention and related topics

America's Best High Schools

A state-by-state look at the best-performing high schools in the U.S. Does your child already go to one?


The European Central Bank cuts its benchmark rate to 2%, plus more business news from around the Web


Shell-Shocked Retailers Seek Stimulus

With sales on the skids, retailers are pressing for a sales-tax holiday to be added to any economic stimulus package


Europe's Investing Climate: A Deepening Chill

Hardly a safe haven from the world's problems, Europe has seen its outlook deteriorate further in 2009. What should investors do now?

The Economy: Retail Sales Weak, Beige Book Bleak



Nortel's Road to Bankruptcy

Rising debt and dwindling cash flow make Chapter 11 a wise move for Nortel. But could CEO Zafirovski have done anything to avoid this fate?

Wireless: The Outlook Gets Murkier for Clearwire

Acer Closes In on Dell's No. 2 PC Ranking

Get Cell Phones into Schools


Global Business

Airbus Flies in the Face of Recession Winds

The European planemaker, coming off a record 2008, is optimistic it will sail through the downturn. Boeing plans for layoffs and cutbacks

How Bad Is the Mobile Meltdown?

Why Japan Hasn't Stopped the Yen's Rise

Sweden Puts Its Bets on Green Tech

Record Online Christmas Sales in Britain


An Hour with Comcast's Twitter Man

For Frank Eliason, managing the cable giant's customer service department means tweeting strategically

Hal Sirkin: Airport Reflections

Tammy Erickson: Gen X Takes Over


Business Schools

Five Years to B-School: The Third Year

On the way to B-school, Year Three is a turning point. Prospective MBAs must show career progression and hit books to prepare for the GMAT

How I Got to B-School

For MBAs, a Brave New World



Luxury Car Sales Keep Skidding

Sales of luxury cars in North America are likely to fall under 1 million units for the first time in more than a decade

The Best Car at the Detroit Auto Show?

VW BlueSport's Detroit Debut


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Track and share business topics across the Web.



The Debate Room

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Outlaw Parental Smoking

In light of the new report about the dangers of thirdhand smoke—plus what's already known about secondhand smoke—governments should make it illegal for people with children to smoke. Pro or con?



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Reader Biker Y Writes:

"Don't use GPS. Turn your phone off when you do not need or want it. You do not have to be 'connected' all the time."