Media Center
Southeast Region


Map of the Southeast Region Map of Kentucky Map of the Caribbean and Navassa Map of North Carolina Map of Tennessee Map of South Carolina Map of Arkansas Map of Louisiana Map of Mississippi Map of Alabama Map of Georgia Map of Florida


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The fws-southeastnews listserver will provide the latest news releases, bulletins, and other information, as issued by the External Affairs office in Atlanta, about U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service activities in the Southeast region. Some national news releases will appear here as well.

Although this list has been developed primarily for the news media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.), anyone interested in fish and wildlife conservation is invited to subscribe.

How To Subscribe

Send an e-mail message to:
Hit Enter

        In the subject line, type:  Subscribe

        In the body please include: (example below)

        Jane Reporter, NewsTimes Daily, Atlanta, GA

How It Works

Subscribers will not be able to reply or send their own messages to the list. This listserver is designed as a one way street for the rapid dissemination of information concerning the Service and its activities, rather than for gathering feedback.

Each item we post will have a point of contact included, so you can request more information via a separate e:mail or phone call.

Frequently Asked Questions Answers to our most commonly asked questions, about the list server, can be found here.
How To

Send an e-mail message to:

        Enter "unsubscribe" in the subject line

        See example under How To Subscribe

Specific Releases

Questions or comments concerning a particular news release or item of information should be directed to the person listed as the contact.
General Comments or Observations
General Public: Please contact Elsie Davis, External Affairs, Southeast Region, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
E:mail Elsie:
Phone: (404) 679-7280

Others: Please contact Tom MacKenzie, Chief, Media Relations, Southeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
E:mail Tom:
Phone: (404) 679-7291

Privacy Statement The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service honors the Department of the Interior Privacy Policy.

Tip: Please make note of this web page address ( or print these instructions for further reference. Thank You!

Last updated: January 14, 2009