Picture Archive Councel of America
Billboard Submission Instructions

As part of PACA's Website Revision, we're soliciting artwork and copy from active PACA members for display on the new site's home page. This "billboard" is a wonderful way of promoting your company to buyers and fellow PACA members.

To construct your billboard, we need the following from you:

Tag Line
Copy Block (optional)

No layout by you is required. Just send us a bare image (doesn't even have to be scaled or cropped) and the text for the other two items in an email to execassistant@pacaoffice.org. The image should read well horizontally and be a least 835 pixels wide by 350 pixels tall. Oversized images are preferred because they offer greater flexibility when placing copy. TIFF is best, but max quality JPEG will suffice. Don't bother rounding the corners, we'll also take care of that. No collages, please.

The tag line is a "statement or motto that succinctly defines or represents an organization's mission." Or simply put—keep it short (usually six words or less). To see examples of billboards with tag lines, click here.

Don't worry about company name or location, but do tell us what year you became a PACA member.

The optional copy block is a single paragraph not to exceed 300 characters including spaces. (Note: 300 characters is a maximum value, not a target value.) Avoid text effects like bolding, underlines, italics, etc. If you elect to include a copy block, we suggest focusing on your agency's unique qualifications and/or characteristics. Or simply include a thorough caption of the image as evidence of expert knowledge about your specialty. (See Car Culture's billboard for an example.)

[Editorial comment: Given the choice of saying something to the effect "we're a specialty archive with a wide selection of images, friendly staff, and fair prices" you're better off not including a copy block at all. While all of the aforementioned attributes are indeed positive, they are so overused that they hold little meaning and actually convey a lack of uniqueness. Instead, iinclude a detailed caption about the image, or omit the copy block and let the power of the image and your tag line do the talking.]

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Morgan Dawirs
Executive Assistant

23046 Avenida de la Carlota
Suite 600
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

v 714/993-6728
e execassistant@pacaoffice.org
w http://www.pacaoffice.org