Emergency Planning: Pandemic

"When it comes to preparing our school community... there are three key steps to take: One, talk to your local health officials and work together to develop a plan. Then secondly, train your teachers and administrators to implement the plan. And finally, teach students and parents so they understand what to do in the event of a pandemic."
— Secretary Margaret Spellings, March 2006

Scientists predict that the world is due for an influenza pandemic—a global outbreak from a new strain of influenza. The U.S. Department of Education is collaborating with the health experts and agencies across the federal government to ensure that, in the case of pandemic flu, our operations and the services we provide will continue. State and local preparedness will be crucial in preventing the spread of disease. Because schools are centers of community life, we ask that educators and administrators work with local officials to make planning for pandemic flu a priority. The tools below are designed to assist you in disseminating health information, planning for staff and student absences, and maintaining a learning environment.

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Last Modified: 02/14/2008

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