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The Economics of Food Safety: The Case of Green Onions and Hepatitis A Outbreaks

By Linda Calvin, Belem Avendaño, and Rita Schwentesius

Outlook Report No. (VGS30501) 22 pp, December 2004

Using the example of recent hepatitis A outbreaks in the United States associated with green onions from Mexico, this report examines the economics of food safety. It reviews the incentives to adopt additional food safety practices and the economic impact of an outbreak on green onion growers in Mexico.

Keywords: food safety, green onions, produce, hepatitis A, foodborne illness outbreaks, Mexico, good agricultural practices (GAPs), ERS, USDA

In this report ...

Chapters are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you are having trouble printing the PDF document check Adobe's website for troubleshooting advice, or e-mail us for a free copy of the report.

Updated date: December 1, 2004

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