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100 Stories on China
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China passes Germany in economic rankings

China has become the world's third-largest economy, surpassing Germany and closing rapidly on Japan, according to government and World Bank figures.

CNNMoney: China tries to boost auto industry

China unveiled a wide-ranging plan on Wednesday including tax cuts and subsidies to boost its auto industry, one of the pillars of the world's third-largest economy.

CNNMoney: China: World's third-largest economy

China on Wednesday revised up the country's gross domestic product growth for 2007 to 13% from 11.9%, leapfrogging Germany in the process to become the world's third-largest economy.

China tops world in Internet users

China surpassed the United States in 2008 as the world's top user of the Internet, according to a government-backed research group.

Australian dog food pulled from Chinese stores in health scare

A brand of imported pet food is being pulled off store shelves in China after reports of dogs being sickened by it, a company official said Tuesday.

Analyst: China Internet move part of global trend

In early January China released a list of major online portals and Web sites that it claims provide and spread pornographic or obscene content, state media reported.

Report: China targets Web sites with 'porn' content

China has released a blacklist of 19 major online portals and Web sites, including Google and Baidu, that it claims provide and spread pornographic or obscene content, state media reported.

China's new great wall

Forget the "Bird's Nest" and the "Water Cube". If you're traveling to China this summer, or even if you are watching the Olympics on television, make sure you look out for a glittering new landmark structure in Beijing.

Images of China win new photo award

The inaugural Prix Pictet photography award has been won by Canadian Benoit Aquin for his series of images depicting desertification in China entitled "The Chinese Dust Bowl".

Interview with Christopher Hill

Washington's man in Asia, Christopher Hill, helped broker a breakthrough deal with North Korea. As pressure mounts on Pyongyang to deliver a complete nuclear declaration amid the election of a new president in Seoul, Hill discusses the landmark six-party talks, his thoughts on North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and concerns over China's growing military power. Once the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, Hill walks CNN's Sohn Jie-Ae through his old haunts in Seoul and sits down for a meal with her at his favorite Korean restaurant, now something of a local landmark thanks to his patronage.

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