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Getting subset of data that is currently in view

Message from the sgt mail list.


Is it possible to get data back from JPlotLayout that is a subset of all the data in JPlotLayout which only represents the data that is currently displayed by the user? I have an application with two tabs, one for displaying the data with SGT and another tab which displays the data in its raw number form. I'd like the raw number form to update itself to only display the raw numbers for the part of the graph which is being viewed in the SGT tab. I'm not so concerned with the Y-Axis, only the X-Axis, which is a time axis.

The only data access method I've for JPlotLayout objects is getData(), I guess what I'm looking for is a getDataShowing() type of method.


Andrew C. Chase
Software Applications Developer
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

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