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Virginia Natural Heritage Karst Program
Cave and Karst Protection

Karst Activities | Bats of Virginia | The World Beneath our Feet (PDF) | Living on Karst (produced by the Cave Conservancy of the Virginia's) | VA Cave Board

VA Counties Containing Karst Topography

map of karst counties in Virginia

Karst Activities within DCR's Natural Heritage Program

Virginia Karst Program - Groundwater and habitat protection in karst areas, supported by EPA Section 319 Clean Water Act Program. This page is currently under construction, check back for more information. In the meantime, click on the links below for karst related information.

Click to download the Introduction to Virginia's Karst powerpoint presentation in PDF format. You'll need the free Adobe reader.

Project Underground - a karst education program.

Virginia Cave Board - Governor appointed advisory board of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, established by the Virginia Cave Protection Act of 1979.

Click to view the PDF file The World Beneath our Feet, a poster presentation from the Center for Subterranean Biodiversity, Karst Waters Institute. You'll need the free Adobe reader to view this file.

Karst Species Factsheets

Antrolana lira - Madison Cave Isopod

Lirceus culveri - Rye Cove Isopod

all factsheets are PDF's and require the free Adobe Reader
Karst Watershed Factsheets

Upper James / Roanoke River

Upper Tennessee River

Shenandoah / Potomac River

New River

Karst in the News

View a slideshow about the Madison Cave Isopod, narrated by VA Natural Heritage Karst Coordinator Wil Orndorff.
(link to Richmond Times Dispatch slideshow. Photos by Don Long.)