M.I.A. Library: Amadeo Bordiga



Amadeo Bordiga Archive




The System of Communist Representation, 1919
Is this the Time to form “Soviets”?, 1919
Letters to the IIIrd International, 1919/20
Towards the Establishment of Workers' Councils in Italy, 1920
Theses of the Abstentionist Communist faction of the Socialist Party, 1920
Seize Power or Seize the Factory?, 1920
Party and Class, 1921
Party and Class Action, 1921
The Democratic Principle, 1922
The Lyons Theses, 1926
The Communist Left in the Third International, 1926
Letter to Karl Korsch, 1926
The Fundamentals for a Marxist Orientation, 1946
Force, Violence and Dictatorship in the Class Struggle, 1946
Class Struggle and “Bosses’ Offensives”, 1949
The Filling and Bursting of Bourgeois Civilisation, 1951
Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party, 1951
Doctrine of the Body Possessed by the Devil, 1951
Characteristic Theses of the Party, 1951
Fundamental Theses of the Party, 1951
Murder of the Dead, 1951
Marxism of the Stammerers, 1952
The Spirit of Horsepower, 1953
Weird and Wonderful Tales of Modern Social Decadence, 1956
Auschwitz, or the Great Alibi, 1960
The Legend of the Piave, 1963
When the Party's General Situation is Historically Unfavourable, 1965