Reference Writers: Ludwig Feuerbach


Ludwig Feuerbach Archive

1804 - 1872

“Feuerbach is the only one who has a serious, critical attitude to the Hegelian dialectic and who has made genuine discoveries in this field. He is in fact the true conqueror of the old philosophy”.Marx, 1844

Ludwig Feuerbach - thin face with bushy black beard


The Essence of Christianity, 1841
The Philosophy of the Future, 1843
Lectures on the Essence of Religion, 1851

Etching of Feuerbach (127 kb)

Further reading:

The Historical Fate of Hegel's Doctrine, Andy Blunden
Critique of Feuerbach, Marx 1844
Theses on Feuerbach, Marx 1845
The End of Classical German Philosophy, Engels 1888
Ilyenkov on Feuerbach, 1974