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USA Freedom Corps Volunteer Network
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Current VfP Partners - Sector/Region Matrix

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Below are VfP partners that work in the global regions indicated that use highly skilled American volunteers for economic growth projects. Contact these VfP partners about international voluntary opportunities.



  Africa Asia & NearEast Europe & Eurasia Latin America & Caribbean


ACDI/VOCA x x x x


AHEAD Energy Corporation x      


American Jewish World Service, Inc. x x x x


America's Development Foundation x x x x


American Society for Testing and Materials International x x x x


Aquaculture International, Inc. x x x x


Arlington Academy of Hope x      


Atlas Service Corps, Inc.   x   x


CCIM Institute x x x x


CHF International x x x x


Citizens Development Corps, Inc. x x x x


The Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs x x x x


The Coffee Quality Institute x     x


Cross International Aid, Inc. x x   x


Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas x x x x


Financial Services Volunteer Corps x x x x


Florida Association for Volunteer Action in the Caribbean and the Americas (FAVACA)       x


Foundation for Sustainable Development x x   x


Global Brigades       x


Global Partnerships       x


Global Volunteers x x x x


Globe Aware x x x x


Hôpital Albert Schweitzer       x


Institute of Internal Auditors, The (The IIA) x x x x


The Institute of SME Finance x x x x


International Executive Service Corps x x x x


International Real Property Foundation x x x x


Interns for Peace, Inc. x x    


Islamic Free Market Institute   x    


The Joint Business Development Center, Inc. x x x x


Junior Chamber International x x x x


National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) x x x x


Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation x x x x


Partners for Christian Development x x x x


Partners of the Americas   x   x


PEOPLink x x x x


Plexus Consulting Group, LLC x x x x


Practical Compassion Inc.       x


Project Management Institute (PMI) x x x x


Reach the Chidren x      


Rotary International x x x x


Salt Street Foundation, Inc   x    


ShoreBank Corporation x x x x


Sonje Ayiti Organization       x


SRI International x x x x


Strategies for International Development x     x


Technoserve, Inc. x x x x


Trickle Up Program x x x x


US Energy Association x x x x


World Hope International x x   x


Visions in Action x     x


Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Inc. x x x x



USA Freedom Corps Department of State Department of Commerce Department of Health and Human Services USAID