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How to Use the Pricing Guides

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How to Use the Pricing Guides


The pricing guides list the cost of each analysis available from all of our contract labs including ACF's lab. This information can be used to estimate the cost of your sample analysis and determine how much money will be needed for proposed studies and projects. However, we want to emphasize that the pricing sheets should only be used to "estimate" the cost of your analysis, not the final cost. Even though your estimate and the final cost may turn out to be the same, there are often unforeseen circumstances that may affect the selection of the lab, the requested analysis, and other factors that affect the final price.

How Lab Prices are Set

Every five years, ACF awards an Organic and Inorganic contract to various labs across the county (and even Canada). The award process conducted by ACF is both rigorous and extensive, with the primary objective of selecting a lab(s) that is capable of performing quality chemical analyses. The actual cost of the analysis is only considered at the very end of the award process, and sometimes not at all. If ACF has more labs then are needed that meet our quality standards, then the cost of the analyses may be considered.

Contracts are awarded for a 5 year period. Prior to awarding a contract, the perspective lab includes the cost of each analysis for the entire 5 year period.

Perspective contract labs are free to include any analyses in their proposals, but they are required to include certain "routine analysis". Which analyses are considered "routine" (like Metals Scan, OC Scan, PCB Congener Scan, etc.) is set by ACF based solely on the needs of our customers, you, the catalog submitters. As issues and study needs change, or new methods and analysis become available, new "routine" analyses are added to the contracts. However, ACF recognizes that it cannot anticipate every need, especially over a 5 year period. Therefore, if you require an analysis that is not part of our pricing sheet, please contact us.

ACF is here to meet our client's analytical needs. Special services can be arranged. If our contract labs can't perform the analysis you need, then we can often help you find a lab that can.

Non-FWS Organic and Inorganic Prices

The prices shown on the pricing sheets that follow are the actual costs charged by each lab. However, there may be additional overhead charges added to the lab prices that you should be aware of, depending on who is paying for the analyses.

Special Note: If a non-FWS agency is doing work for the FWS and pays for their analyses using a FWS cost code, then NO overhead charges will be accessed.

  • USGS Catalogs - To get the true cost of your sample analysis, USGS customers should add 42% to the prices shown on the pricing sheets. The 42% figure includes two overhead charges. A 17% overhead charge is accessed by the FWS for processing funds transferred from the USGS (Interagency Agreement). ACF also includes a 25% overhead charge for processing catalogs and analytical results (performing QA/QC).
  • Other Agency Catalogs - To get the true cost of your sample analysis, all other agencies (other then the FWS and USGS) should add 47% to the prices shown on the pricing sheets. The 47% figure includes two overhead charges. A 22% overhead charge is accessed by the FWS for processing funds transferred from the other agencies (Interagency Agreement). ACF includes a 25% overhead charge for processing catalogs and analytical results (performing QA/QC).

Things to Keep in Mind

Using the pricing guides is simple and does not require a lot of instructions. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

  1. Price Per Sample vs. Price Per Element - The majority of the analyses included in the pricing sheets show the price per sample, but not all, expecially many of the inorganic analyses. Many of the inorganic "Determination" anlayses are priced based on the number of elements requested for each sample. How the analysis is priced is shown in italics after the analysis name, if it is something other then "per sample". For example the price listed for "HGA - Determination" is per sample and element. Therefore, if you were requesting HGA-Determination for Lead, Selenium, and Zinc, the price at TERL for tissue samples would be $90 per sample ($30 per element for one sample using the 2008 prices).

    For additional examples on using "Prep" and "Determination", see examples 5, 6, and 8 in the section entitled "Pricing Examples" below.

  2. Price Per Matrix - This is pretty obvious, but many of the prices are also based on the sample matrix. If the analysis doesn't include a sample matrix then it's not a factor when determining the price. For those analyses that do list a sample matrix, then the lab will only perform the analysis on those matrixes listed. For example, AVS and Total Organic Carbon will only be performed on Soil/Sediment samples.

    In the Organic pricing sheets, the sample matrix "Tissue" includes both plant and animal samples. In the Inorganic pricing sheets, "Tissue" is separated into "Animal Tissue" and "Plant Tissue".

  3. Missing Prices - If the price for a given lab and analysis is blank, then the lab does not perform that analysis (at least not on a routine bases).
  4. Discount Prices - Some of the labs offer discount prices when certain analyses are combined. These are indicated in the "Analysis" column of the pricing sheets as "combo prices". Note however, that the discounts only apply when requesting multiple analyses on the same sample. For example, if you had 5 samples and wanted an Aliphatic Scan and Aromatic Scan on each one, you would get a discount if your samples were analyzed at GERG or TDI. However, if you had 10 samples and were requesting an Aliphatic Scan for 5 of them and an Aromatic Scan for the other 5, then you would not receive a discount.

    Most labs can offer a discount for certain analyses because they only have to do the sample prep once.

  5. Don't Select the Lowest Prices at Each Lab - When you indicate that you want a specific lab(s) to perform your analyses, ACF tries hard to honor your request. However, we also try to select one lab that can perform all of your analyses without having to split your samples, or send aliquots to other labs. Sometimes this is not possible, especially when you request organic and inorganic analyses in the same catalog. However, ACF rarely sends samples to multiple labs based solely on the price of the analyses.
  6. Rapid Turnaround - Labs have up to 75 days to perform your requested sample analyses (actually the number of days also depends on how many catalogs and samples have already been assigned to a given lab). However, if you indicate that your request is a "rapid turnaround", the lab will perform your samples analyses within 22 days. Rapid turnaround requests are not free and are subject to certain restrictions. For example, your catalog normally must have fewer then 20 samples and there may be further restrictions depending on the number and type of analyses you are requesting.

    The pricing sheets include the rapid turnaround cost at each lab, which are on a per sample basis. Therefore, if you have 5 tissue samples that you want analyzed for Organochlorines (OC) at GERG, the total cost would be $2,685 using 2008 prices ($1,935 for the OC Scan and $750 for the rapid turnaround request. If you have 5 tissue samples that you want analyzed for Organochlorines, Aliphatics, and Aromatics at GERG, the cost for the rapid turnaround would be the same ($750), since it is based on the number of samples, not the analyses.

  7. Lab Names - The full lab name associated with the acronyms used in the pricing sheet headings are displayed at the bottom of each sheet (you may have to scroll down to see them).

Pricing Examples

All the examples listed below use the 2008 organic and inorganic prices.

  1. Organic Sediments Discount Example - TDI was selected as the lab (GERG could have been selected as well).
    Analysis Requested
    Number of samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    50 Sediments Organochlorine Scan (OC)
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Aromatic Scan
    Aliphatic Scan

    Cost of the analysis assuming TDI is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    OC Scan with PCB Scan (combo price) Soil/Sediments 50 $614 $30,700
    Aromatic Scan / Aliphatic Scan (combo price) Soil/Sediments 50 $450 $22,500
    Total $53,200

  2. Organic Tissue Example - GERG was selected as the lab of choice because they are the only one that can do all the analyses requested.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    4 Other Egg (Animal Tissue)
    Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Dioxin & Furan Full Scan
    1 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Dioxin & Furan Full Scan
    5 Other Egg (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    2 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Dioxin & Furan Full Scan

    Cost of the analysis assuming GERG is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Organochlorine Scan (OC) Tissue 5 $387 $1,935
    OC Scan with PCB Scan (combo price) Tissue 6 $607 $3,642
    Dioxin & Furan Full Scan Tissue 7 $650 $4,550
    Total $10,127

  3. Simple Sediments Organic and Inorganic Example - Because the samples are requesting both an organic and inorganic analysis, the samples will have to be sent to at least two different labs. TDI was selected for the organic analyses because they offer a discount for an Aliphatic and Aromatic Scan (GERG does as well). LET will be used for the inorganic analysis.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    5 Sediments Organochlorine Scan
    Aliphatics Scan
    Aromatics Scan
    5 Sediments Metals Scan
    5 Sediments Grain Size
    Total Organic Carbon

    Cost of the analysis assuming TDI is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Organochlorine Scan (OC) Soil/Sediments 5 $352 $1,760
    Aromatic Scan / Aliphatic Scan (combo price) Soil/Sediments 5 $450 $2,250
    Total $4,010

    Cost of the analysis assuming LET is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Metals Scan Soil/Sediments 5 $210 $1,050
    Grain Size Soil/Sediments 5 $31 $155
    Total Organic Carbon Soil/Sediments 5 $31 $155
    Total $1,360

    Inorganic and Organic Grand Total $5,370

  4. Complex Tissue Organic and Inorganic Example - Because the samples are requesting both an organic and inorganic analysis, the samples will have to be sent to at least two different labs. GPL was selected for the organic analyses since they could do all the analyses and TERL for the inorganic analysis.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    4 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Metals Scan
    1 Avian Egg (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Cold Vapor Mercury
    1 Feces (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Organophosphate Scan
    Metals Scan
    5 Feces (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Organophosphate Scan
    2 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Organophosphate Scan
    12 Avian Egg (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Aromatic Scan
    2 Avian Egg (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Metals Scan
    17 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Congener Specific PCB Scan
    Organophosphate Scan
    4 Feces (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    Congener Specific PCB Scan

    Cost of the analysis assuming GPL is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Organochlorine Scan (OC) Tissue 6 $325 $1,950
    Congener Specific PCB Scan 17 $425 $7,225
    OC Scan with PCB Scan (combo price) Tissue 25 $475 $11,875
    Organophosphate Scan Tissue 25 $350 $8,750
    Aromatic Scan Tissue 12 $275 $3,300
    Total $33,100

    Cost of the analysis assuming TERL is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Metals Scan Animal Tissue 7 $221 $1,547
    Cold Vapor Mercury - Prep Animal Tissue 1 $38 $38
    Cold Vapor Mercury - Determination 1 $25 $25
    Total $1,610

    Inorganic and Organic Grand Total $34,710

  5. Inorganic Tissue Prep and Determination Example - This is an example where the cost per element vs. the number of samples comes into play. The "Prep" cost is per sample, but the "Determination" cost is per element. TERL will be used for the inorganic analysis.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    35 Animal Tissue HGA Analysis (Graphite Furnace AA) for Cadmium, Lead, and Zinc

    Cost of the analysis assuming TERL is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    HGA Prep (Graphite Furnace AA) Animal Tissue 35 $38 $1,330
    HGA - Determination (per element) 105 $30 $3,150
    Total $4,480

  6. Complex Mixed Matrix Inorganic and Organic Example - TERL will be the lab of choice for the inorganic analysis and GERG for the organic analyses.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    9 Sediments Acid Volatile Sulfides
    HGA Analysis (Graphite Furnace AA) for Cd-SEM, Cu-SEM, Ni-SEM, Pb-SEM, Zn-SEM
    13 Sediments Aromatics Scan
    Organochlorines Scan
    PCB Individual Aroclors
    13 Sediments Metals Scan
    9 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Organochlorine Scan
    PCB Individual Aroclors
    13 Sediments Grain Size
    Total Organic Carbon
    3 Invertebrate (Animal Tissue) Aromatics Scan
    Organochlorines Scan
    PCB Individual Aroclors
    9 Whole Body (Animal Tissue) Metals Scan
    1 Water Aromatics Scan
    Organochlorines Scan
    1 Water Metals Scan

    Cost of the analysis assuming GERG is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Organochlorine Scan (OC) Tissue 26 $387 $10,062
    PCB Quantification of Individual Aroclors 25 $25 $625
    Aromatic Scan Tissue 3 $385 $1,155
    Aromatic Scan Soil/Sediment 13 $340 $4,420
    Aromatic Scan Water 1 $300 $300
    Total $16,562

    Cost of the analysis assuming TERL is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Metals Scan Animal Tissue 9 $221 $1,989
    Metals Scan Soil/Sediment 13 $209 $2,717
    Metals Scan Water 1 $190 $190
    HGA Prep (Graphite Furnace AA) Soil/Sediment 9 $32 $288
    HGA - Determination (per element) 45 $30 $1,350
    Grain Size Soil/Sediment 13 $38 $494
    Total Orgainc Carbon Soil/Sediment 13 $44 $572
    Acid Volatile Sulfides Soil/Sediment 9 $101 $909
    Total $8,509

    Inorganic and Organic Grand Total $25,071

  7. Simple ICP Inorganic Example - LET will be used for the inorganic analysis.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    43 Sediments ICP Scan
    Grain Size
    8 Soils ICP Scan
    Grain Size

    Cost of the analysis assuming LET is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    ICP - Prep Soil/Sediment 51 $46 $2,346
    ICP - Determination 51 $41 $2,091
    Grain Size Soil/Sediment 51 $31 $1,581
    Total $6,018

  8. Inorganic ICP-Mass Spec Example - AWH will be used for the inorganic analysis.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    23 Vegetation (Plant Tissue) ICP-Mass Spec for Nickel
    12 Sediments ICP-Mass Spec for Nickel
    7 Invertebrate (Animal Tissue) ICP-Mass Spec for Nickel
    12 Water ICP-Mass Spec for Nickel

    Cost of the analysis assuming AWH is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    ICP-Mass Spec - Prep Animal Tissue 7 $40 $280
    ICP-Mass Spec - Prep Plant Tissue 23 $40 $920
    ICP-Mass Spec - Prep Soil/Sediment 12 $35 $420
    ICP-Mass Spec - Prep Water 12 $25 $300
    ICP-Mass Spec - Determination 54 $90 $4,860
    Total $6,780

  9. Rapid Turnaround - GPL will be used for the organic analysis.

    Analysis Requested
    Number of Samples Sample Matrix Analysis Requested
    11 Soils Organochlorine Scan
    Rapid Turnaround
    10 Soils Grain Size
    Rapid Turnaround
    12 Soils Total Organic Carbon
    Rapid Turnaround

    Cost of the analysis assuming GPL is the lab of choice.
    Analysis Matrix Number of Samples Cost Per Sample Total Cost
    Organochlorine Scan Soil/Sediment 11 $300 $3,330
    Grain Size Soil/Sediment 10 $75 $750
    Total Organic Carbon Soil/Sediment 12 $65 $780
    Rapid Turnaround 33 $50 $1,650
    Total $6,480

If you have any additional questions about the pricing sheets or the information presented above, feel free to contact us at any time.

Document was last updated on: 6/16/2008.