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Browse Marine and Coastal Conservation Programs

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Alphabetical List by Title

Aleutian Islands Risk Assessment
The Trustees of the Aleutian Islands Risk Assessment Fund are pleased to announce the launch of the risk assessment and the selection and contracting of a facilitator for the advisory panel.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 12/31/2008
Notification Date: 02/15/2009

ArcelorMittal Great Lakes Watershed Restoration Program
Provides grants to organizations working to protect, restore or enhance the habitat for fish wildlife and plants of the Great Lakes watershed.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 11/17/2008
Notification Date: 04/15/2009

Bronx River Watershed Initiative
The Bronx River Watershed Initiative (BRWI) has $1.5 million available for stormwater retrofit projects, including Low Impact Development initiatives, to address the root causes of pollution from stormwater outfalls to improve water quality and river ecology along the Bronx River. The funds come from a $7 million settlement generated by the New York State Attorney General’s Office and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation resulting from violations associated with discharges of raw sewage into the Bronx River from storm sewers.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 03/13/2009
Notification Date: 08/31/2009

Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund

The goal of the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund is to accelerate local implementation of the most innovative, sustainable and cost-effective strategies to restore and protect water quality and vital habitats within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Stewardship Fund offers four grant programs: The Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grant Program, the Chesapeake Bay Targeted Watersheds Grant Program, the Chesapeake Bay Conservation Innovation Grant Program, and the Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Program. Major funding for the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Deadlines for Stewardship Fund grant programs vary. For more detail, please review individual grant program descriptions and RFPs.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Columbia River Estuarine Coastal Fund
Provides grants to organizations and other public entities to protect and improve fish and wildlife habitat in and along the Lower Columbia River below the Bonneville Dam and the adjacent coasts of Oregon (up to and including Tillamook Bay) and Washington (up to and including Willapa Bay).
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Coral Reef Conservation Fund
Provides grants for projects that build public-private partnerships to reduce and prevent degradation of coral reefs and associated reef habitats (e.g. seagrass beds, mangroves etc).

The traditional fall request for proposals to the Coral Reef Conservation Fund (CRCF) has been postponed. We expect to announce a solicitation for the revised funding opportunity in summer or fall of 2009.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Delaware Estuary Watershed Grants Program
Provides grants to organizations working on a local level to protect and improve watersheds in the Delaware Estuary, while building citizen-based resource stewardship.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 08/01/2008
Notification Date: 12/30/2008

Dissolved Oxygen Environmental Benefit Fund for the Western Long Island Sound and Jamaica Bay 2008
The Trustees of the Dissolved Oxygen Environmental Benefit Fund are pleased to sponsor a grant program to restore habitat and improve water quality in the western Long Island Sound and Jamaica Bay. Approximately $4 million will be available for projects and studies in the region.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 05/02/2008
Notification Date: 11/01/2008

Gulf of Maine Environmental Compliance & Protection Fund
The Trustees of the Gulf of Maine Environmental Compliance and Protection Fund announce a funding opportunity to restore natural resources damaged in the coastal environment of the Gulf of Maine, State of Maine.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/15/2009
Notification Date: 06/30/2009

International Sea Turtle Conservation Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation announces the availability of matching grant funding for international sea turtle conservation projects in the Western Hemisphere. Funding is provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/13/2009
Notification Date: 05/01/2009

Long Island Sound Futures Fund
The Long Island Sound Study (LISS) in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for approximately $1 million under the 2009 Long Island Sound Futures Fund (Sound Futures Fund) pending the availability of federal funding. The purpose of the Sound Futures Fund is to support projects that restore and protect the health and living resources of Long Island Sound.

This program does not include a pre-proposal round.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 03/13/2009
Notification Date: 08/31/2009

Marine Debris Research and Technology Grants Program
The NOAA Marine Debris Program (NOAA MDP) coordinates, strengthens, and enhances the awareness of marine debris efforts within the agency and works with external partners to support research, prevention, and reduction activities related to the issue of marine debris.
Preproposal Date: 05/05/2008
Full Proposal Date: 06/27/2008
Notification Date: 09/23/2008

Pinellas County Environmental Fund
The Pinellas County Environmental Fund is a partnership among Pinellas County (FL), NOAA, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that conserve and restore fish and wildlife habitat in Tampa Bay.

**Please Note: New Deadlines**

Preproposal Date: 01/15/2009
Full Proposal Date: 03/15/2009
Notification Date: 06/15/2009

Puget Sound Marine Conservation Fund
United States charged an international shipping company with violating numerous federal pollution laws after inspections and actions taken by the Washington Department of Ecology and the Coast Guard identified the violations. As part of the settlement, the courts ordered $2,000,000 in community service payments to be made to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Foundation) to be invested in conservation projects in the area of environmental impact.

Deadlines for this program are yet to be determined.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Shell Marine Habitat Program
The Shell Marine Habitat Program is a partnership between the Shell Oil Company and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that benefit marine and coastal habitats in and around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the North Aleutian Basin, North Slope Borough, and Northwest Arctic Borough areas of Alaska. The National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration recently joined Shell and NFWF in their efforts to support projects that benefit the habitat for living marine resources in the Gulf of Mexico.
Preproposal Date: 09/02/2008
Full Proposal Date: 11/01/2008
Notification Date: 05/31/2009


Coral Reef Conservation Fund
Learn more about this program.

Marine Debris Research and Technology Grants Program
Learn more about this program.

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