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You are here: Home / About ASCR / Civil Rights Policy Statement
About the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

graphic reading, Civil Rights Policy Statement


As Secretary of Agriculture, I fully support the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) civil rights, equal employment opportunity, and diversity policies. I am firmly committed to ensuring that we treat each other and all of USDA's customers with respect, dignity, and equality. This is my commitment, and I expect all USDA employees to do their part in translating this commitment into meaningful action.

To help us achieve our mission and live up to the high standard of being known as the "People's Department," we must work together. I take responsibility for leading the way, and my policy is simple and explicit- zero tolerance of any unlawful discrimination, harassment, or reprisal. All USDA employees, applicants, customers, and stakeholders must and will have equal access to the opportunities, programs, and services offered by this great Department.

I expect our executives, managers, and supervisors to lead by example and to effectively embrace, manage, and leverage diversity within the Agency. Recognizing that our employees are our greatest asset, we must strive to reflect the diversity of American society at all levels, and cultivate an inclusive workplace environment where the uniqueness, background, and experience of every employee is appreciated and valued.

Edward T. Schafer

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See Also
    Frequently Asked Questions
About ASCR
    Margo M. McKay
Assistant Secretary
for Civil Rights
    Annabelle Romero
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    Sherie Hinton Henry
Associate Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    Latest Releases
    ASCR's Photo Gallery
Related Topics
  Structure and Organization
  ASCR Strategic Plan
  Secretary's Civil
Rights Statement
  Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights' Memorandum on Workplace Diversity
and Inclusion
  USDA's Diversity Mission Statement (PDF 786KB)