CSREES PNW Region Water Quality Program logo Winter 2003

Drinking Water and Human Health

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Collage of drinking water activities

Pollutants such as pesticides, nitrates and pathogens entering groundwater and surface waters are health hazards to the community. Ground water is the primary source of drinking water for most of the private and many of the public water supplies in the Pacific Northwest, except for Alaska. In Alaska, while larger public water systems utilize ground water, surface water is the primary source outside larger cities. Groundwater is generally more reliable both in quantity and quality than surface water. As a result it is generally less expensive and more reliable to develop a groundwater source. Public water supplies are regularly tested under the Safe Drinking Water Act; however, private wells are generally not tested on a regular basis since testing is not required. Failing onsite sewage systems, excessive fertilizer or animal manure applications are a particular threat to human health, especially in areas where surface waters or shallow well supplies are used for drinking, recreation and shellfish harvesting. The region’s four Land Grant Universities have a broad range of research-based educational materials that relate to protecting drinking water including groundwater and surface waters from pollutants, as well as wellhead protection and proper onsite sewage system maintenance and operation.

Desired Outcomes

  • Homeowners properly maintain and operate their on-site sewage systems
  • On-site septic system users properly dispose of potentially harmful household chemicals
  • Water well users understand the potential health threats of contaminants
  • Water well users proactively protect wellheads and fill and/or seal unused wells
  • Contamination of groundwater is reduced
Washington State University logo University of Idaho logo Oregon State University logo University of Alaska Fairbanks logo Northwest Indian College logo Environmental Protection Agency logo USDA-CSREES logo

Well drilling ALASKA Contacts
Daniel White, Environmental Programs Manager, Fairbanks, (907) 474-6222, ffdmw@uaf.edu
Nicole Duclos, Program Coordinator, ATTAC, Sitka, (907) 747-7756, nicole.duclos@uas.alaska.edu
Fred Sorensen, Water Quality Coordinator, Anchorage, (907) 786-6311, dffes@uaa.alaska.edu

ALASKA Publications
CRD-00011 Living in the Interior
CRD-000111 Living in Anchorage
EMB Emergency Water Brochure
GWQ-00547 Protect Water Resource-Understand Pesticide Movement
GWQ-00548 Protecting Alaska’s Water Resources
HCM-01557 Water Cistern Construction for Small Houses
HCM-02020 Water Softeners Annual Maintenance
HCM-04950 Suggestions for Installing Domestic Water Storage Tanks
HCM-04954 A Guide for Assessing Risks and Costs of Water Well Drilling…

OREGON Contacts
Gail Glick Andrews, Extension Water Quality Educator, Corvallis,
(541) 737-6294, gail.glick.andrews@oregonstate.edu
Deb Hoy, Groundwater Protection Educator, Corvallis, (541) 766-3553, deborah.hoy@oregonstate.edu
Dan Sullivan, Extension Soil Scientist, Corvallis, (541) 737-5715, dan.sullivan@oregonstate.edu

OREGON Publications
EC 1340 Why Do Septic Tanks Fail?
EC 1341 Septic Tank-Soil Absorption Systems
EC 1342 Holding Tanks
EC 1343 Septic Tank Maintenance
EC 1374 Rural Domestic Water Supply
EC 1488 Backflow Protection for Private Water Systems
EM 8651 Twelve Things You Can Do to Protect Your Well Water
EM 8752 Keeping Your Well Water Well
EM 8752S Agua Limpia en Su Pozo (Keeping Your Well Water Well)

Factory on streamside
IDAHO Contacts
Robert L. Mahler, Water Quality Coordinator/Drinking Water Standards, Moscow, (208) 885-7025, bmahler@uidaho.edu
Gregory Moller, Environmental Chemistry/Toxicology Research, Moscow,
(208) 885-6057, gmoller@uidaho.edu
Steven McGeehan, Water Testing/Chemistry, Moscow, (208) 885-7900, stevenm@uidaho.edu

IDAHO Publications
CIS 872 Nitrate and Groundwater
CIS 873 Water Testing
CIS 1001 Water Treatment and Conditioning Systems for Private Water Supplies
CIS 1011 Why Soften Household Water
CIS 1069 Drinking Water and Recreational Water Quality: Microbial Criteria
EXT 672 Slow Sand Filters for the Control of Giardiasis in Private Water Supplies
BULL 811 Groundwater and Wellhead Protection in the HUA

Chris Koehler, Domestic Water Quality, Spokane, (509) 477-2169, koehler@wsu.edu
Bob Simmons, Domestic Water Quality, Shelton, (360) 427-9670 x 690, simmons@wsu.edu
Richelle Allen-King, Hydrogeology/Organic Contaminants, Groundwater Systems, Pullman, (509) 335-1180, allenkng@wsu.edu
Michael Barber, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pullman, (509) 335-6633, meb@wsu.edu
WASHINGTON Publications
EB 0995 Drinking Water: Bacteriological Safety and Treatment
EB 1136 How to Select a Home Sewage Treatment System
EB 1475 Septic System Waste Treatment in Soil
EB 1525 Sodium Content of Your Drinking Water
EB 1631 Protect Your Groundwater: Survey Your Homestead Environment
EB 1633 Role of Soil in Groundwater Protection
EB 1671 Properly Managing Your Home Septic System
EB 1672 Properly Managing Your Mound System
EB 1673 Properly Managing Your Pressure Distribution System
EB 1714 Abandoned Wells: Forgotten Holes to Groundwater
EB 1721 Defining Water Quality
EB 1746F6 Household Waste Water Treatment
EB 1746F1 Improving Drinking Water Well Condition
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Pacific Northwest Regional Water
Quality Coordination Project

Land Grant Universities
Cooperative Extension Service
Contact Fred Sorensen:
University Publications:

University of Idaho
Cooperative Extension System
Contact Bob Mahler: 208-885-7025
University Publications:

Oregon State University
Extension Service
Contact Mike Gamroth: 541-737-3316
University Publications:

Washington State University
WSU Extension
Contact Bob Simmons:
360-427-9670 ext. 690
University Publications:

Northwest Indian College
Contact Michael Cochrane: 360-392-4299
mcochrane@nwic.edu or

Water Resource Research Institutes
Water and Environmental Research
Center (Alaska)

Idaho Water Resources
Research Institute

Institute for Water and Watersheds

State of Washington
Water Research Center

Environmental Protection Agency
EPA, Region 10
The Pacific Northwest

Office of Research and Development,
Corvallis Laboratory

For more information contact
Jan Seago at 206-553-0038 or

The Project
Land Grant Universities, Water Research Institutes and EPA Region 10 have formed a partnership to provide research and education to communities about protecting or restoring the quality of water resources. This partnership is being supported in part by the USDA’s Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension System (CSREES).

Our Goal and Approach
The goal of this Project is to provide leadership for water resources research, education and outreach to help people, industry and governments to prevent and solve current and emerging water quality and quantity problems. The approach to achieving this goal is for the Partners to develop a coordinated regional water quality effort based on, and strengthening, individual state programs.

Our Strengths
The Project promotes regional collaboration by acknowledging existing programs and successful efforts; assessing program gaps; identifying potential issues for cross-agency and private sector collaboration, and developing a clearinghouse of expertise and programs. In addition, the Project establishes or enhances partnerships with federal, state and local environmental and water resource management agencies, such as by placing a University Liaison within the offices of EPA Region 10.

Students gathering water samples for analysis
Boy drinking from water fountain
National Water Quality Program Areas

The four land grant universities in the Pacific Northwest have aligned our water resource extension and research efforts with eight themes of the USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension System.

  1. Animal Waste Management
  2. Drinking Water and Human Health
  3. Environmental Restoration
  4. Nutrient and Pesticide Management
  5. Pollution Assessment and Prevention
  6. Watershed Management
  7. Water Conservation and Ag. Water Management
  8. Water Policy and Economics
CSREES is the Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service, a sub-agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, and is the federal partner in this water quality program.

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Download the 11x17 informational PDF flyer or download the 4-page PDF version.

A cooperative program consisting of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
the Land Grant Colleges and Universities.

- a Regionally-Based National Network -

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USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CSREES PNW Regional Water Quality Program