United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Pennsylvania Go to Accessibility Information
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Pennsylvania NRCS Technical Resources

Technical Information, Resources, Tools, Models, and Data
  Air Quality
  Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning (CNMP)

             Feed Management Option

  Conservation Planning

              Cultural Resources
              Economics Resources
              Environmental Compliance
              Information and Fact Sheets
              Put Planning First!

  Conservation Practices (PA County eFOTG link)

             Job Sheets

             Conservation Tillage Practice Guide- A guide to NRCS Practice Standards No-Till/Strip Till (329)

                  and Mulch-Till (345)  (requires Adobe Acrobat)
             Soil Conditioning Index (SCI)
             Soil Tillage Intensity Rating (STIR)

  Core 4 (Link to Conservation Technology Information Center)

  Ecological Sciences

             Forestry & Agro-forestry
             Invasive Species
             Nutrient Management
             Pest Management
             Wildlife Biology


  Engineering Tools and Resources
  Pennsylvania's Map Compilation and Digitizing Center

  Published Soil Surveys in Pennsylvania (requires Adobe Acrobat)

  Rapid Watershed Assessments
  Soil Survey
  Technical Service Providers




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