United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Adobe Acrobat Document These publications require Adobe Acrobat reader 

Adobe Acrobat DocumentConservation Reserve Enhancement Program (34 KB):  a two-page flyer explaining how CREP works, eligible practices,  how to participate, and participating counties.  

Adobe Acrobat DocumentA Landowner’s Guide to Conservation Buffer Incentive Programs In Pennsylvania (166 KB):   a compilation of the major federal, state and private voluntary conservation programs that provide financial incentives to private landowners for the installation of conservation buffers in Pennsylvania. This guide provides a brief description of each major program and tells you where you can go for more information.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentConservation Resources (256 KB):  a booklet explaining the USDA and partner conservation programs.  

Adobe Acrobat DocumentNative Warm Season Grasses (4,874 KB):  a colorful brochure with plenty of pictures.  Provides identification tips and explains the benefits of warm season grasses.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentConservation Reserve Enhancement Program (360 KB) -- Start to Finish -- What You Need to Know:  a flyer explaining the eligibility requirements, landowner/tenant responsibilities, establishment of conservation practices, maintenance of conservation cover, and more.  

Adobe Acrobat DocumentWarm Season Grasses (49 KB):  a pamphlet explaining the techniques and management practices for warm season grasses, which provides forages for grazing livestock through the summer slump months when cool season grasses go dormant or slow their growth.   

Adobe Acrobat Document Erratum to Warm Season Grasses (13.23 KB): revisions to pamphlet above.

 Adobe Acrobat Document Land, Water, and People (2000) (1,181 KB):  this colorful brochure discusses conservation benefits and successes provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service for the year 2000.  

A Conservation Catalog a catalog identifying conservation practices which assist the farmer in caring for the land while maintaining economic viability and protecting farming as a way of life.

Backyard Conservation:  a publication filled with techniques, tips and fabulous pictures explaining how you can apply conservation plans to your own backyard. 

Also available are Backyard Conservation tip sheets providing detailed information on 10 conservation practices you could try in your yard.

Other USDA publications are available from LANDCARE.

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