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National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 1, 2006

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (“Foundation”) is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains the way information is collected and used on web sites we operate, including:

Known collectively as “Sites.” For easy and direct access, we provide a link to this Privacy Policy from our home page and all other pages of the Sites.

Changes To This Policy

In the event that the Foundation changes this Privacy Policy, the changes will be updated and the effective date will be revised accordingly. 

Collection and Use of Personal and Anonymous Information

Visitors to the Sites may access information while remaining anonymous.  We do not require you to register or provide personal information to view the Sites.  There are occasions when you will be asked for additional information.  This is in response to your needs, in an effort to provide you with services that you have requested.  For example, contact information will be requested when you make a donation to the Foundation using our secure, online contribution form (“Donor Information”).  This information is used to process your contribution.  We may also use this information to contact you in the future with additional information that may be of interest to you.  Further, information is collected if you submit  an application for a grant (“Grantee Information”).  We will use this information to process your application and administer any grants awarded.  We may also use this information to contact you with information that may be of interest to you.

From time to time, we may offer online surveys.  Only anonymous information such as demographics and conservation interests is gathered via surveys, and such information is not linked to users of the Sites.  Information gathered from these surveys will be used for internal purposes only to tailor the Sites for the needs of our users.


A cookie is computer code placed on your hard drive when you visit the Sites.   We may use cookies to help us recognize you when you come back to the Sites.  We may also use cookies to monitor traffic on the Sites.  This will help us better develop the Sites and tailor them to the needs of our visitors.  Some browsers may enable you to refuse cookies, which you may do, but please note that navigation on the Sites will become more difficult if you choose to do so.

IP Addresses and Demographics

The Sites may collect information through IP addresses or demographic variables.  An “IP address” is a number used by computers on the network to identify your computer so that data can be transmitted to you.  “Demographic variables” include, among other things, the domain from which you access the internet, the time you accessed the Sites, type of web browser and operating system or platform used, the internet address of the web site you visited to link to the Sites, the names of the pages you visit while visiting the Sites, and the internet address of the web site you then visit.   We collect all of this information to allow us to monitor broad demographic trends, to provide information tailored to your interests, and to enhance your experience on the Sites.

Sharing of Information

The Foundation does not share Donor Information with any third party.  The one exception to that general principle is that the Foundation will share Donor Information with hosting and Internet business partners to provide you with services or information pertaining to the Foundation.  Federal funding source information is shared for the purposes of grants research.

Grantee information may be shared with third parties for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to the marketing of goods and services, disclosure of use of public funds, and project conservation outcomes for the purposes of bettering conservation.  Some grantee Information will also be accessible and searchable to visitors to the Sites (i.e., project name, description, funding information).  This information is intended as a public resource for conservation and for perspective grantees when filing proposals to the Foundation. If you do not wish your information to be used in that manner, contact us prior to submitting an application for instructions for opting out. If you’re a grantee that wishes to remove its information from our web site, please send an e-mail to optout@nfwf.org.

Information posted on public areas of the Sites, such as the eCommunities pages, will be viewed by others and the Foundation has no control over how that information will be used.  The Foundation cautions you not to post information that you do not wish to share on the Sites.

Links to Third Party Sites

This web site provides links to third party sites that may have privacy policies that differ from ours.  You should review the privacy policies posted on each site.


The Foundation welcomes comments and questions about this Privacy Policy.  We are committed to securing your personal information, and will make every reasonable effort to keep that information protected.


You may request that we delete your information or refrain from contacting you further by sending us an email to this address: optout@nfwf.org Please note that this opt-out policy does not apply to Grantee Information or that it may not be possible to delete all copies of the information as some of it may be contained on back-up disks or in legally-required records. Nevertheless, we will strive to honor your request to the best of our ability.


The Sites have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.  No system is impenetrable, however, and the Foundation will not guarantee absolute security of the information in our possession.  Foundation staff is provided annual training on how to carry out these policies.

All credit card transactions are conducted over a secure server.  If you do not wish to make a donation online, contributions may be made by printing out the contribution form and mailing or faxing it to the Foundation or related organization as indicated in the address below.

Contact Us

Please use the following address for all communication and contributions with the Foundation, including e-mail, postal service, and telephone:

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
1133 Fifteenth St., N.W.
Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
Email:  info@nfwf.org
Telephone:  (202) 857-0166
Facsimile:  (202) 857-0162

Children’s Information

Most pages on the Sites are designed for a general audience.  On those pages, we do not knowingly collect information about children.  Should we become aware that a child under 13 has submitted personally identifiable information in a manner that is not compliant with this Privacy Policy, we will delete it immediately.  We do not accept donations from individuals under 18 years of age.

A few pages on select Sites, such as the Save the Tiger Fund and More Fish , are specifically designed for kids.  Personal information is not collected on those sites, except as provided herein.  Wherever the Foundation has reason to believe that pages are likely to attract a large amount of visitors under 13 years of age, a link is posted to this children’s portion of this Privacy Policy.

A Note to Kids

The Foundation encourages you to get permission from your parents before sending any information about yourself over the Internet, to us or to anyone else.

A Note To Parents

PLEASE READ. This section of the privacy policy explains our information collection and use practices online for children under the age of thirteen, including what we do with information that we collect and with whom we share that information. We ask that you take the time to review our policy so that you can know exactly how we collect and use information from kids, and so that you will know how you can review or request that we delete your child's information. If you ever have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at:  http://www.nfwf.org/contact_form.cfm.  This privacy policy is intended to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”).

What Information We Collect From Children Under Thirteen

Except as provided herein, personal information from children under thirteen years of age is not collected on the Sites without parental consent. 

However, children may sign up on the Save the Tiger Fund site to receive a children’s newsletter.  To do so, children submit their email address along with a parent or guardian’s.  We are prohibited by law from collecting more information than these email addresses in conjunction with this newsletter.  Upon receipt, we will send a newsletter to the child.  At the same time, we will send you an email informing you that your child has subscribed to the newsletter.  If you do not want your child to receive the newsletter, please contact us and we will delete your child’s address from our records.  If we do not receive a response from you, we will continue to send the newsletter until you or your child requests us to stop.  Please note: If we do not receive a response from you requesting that we delete your child's information, your consent to your child's receipt of the newsletter will be presumed.

As a parent or guardian, you may exercise your right to have your child's information deleted at any time. Additionally, you may review your child's personally identifiable information at any time. See Parent's Rights, below.

How We Use Information We Collect From Children Under Thirteen

When we collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen, we will use that information only for the express purpose for which it was collected, i.e., transmission of a children’s newsletter.  The information will not be used for any other purpose and the information will not be used after a request to delete the information has been received from the child or you.

Children under thirteen may not post information to the public areas of the Sites, such as the eCommunities pages. The following companies have agreed to comply with this policy:

Armstrong Enterprise Communications
10389 Democracy Lane
Farifax, VA 22030

Biz Net Technologies
Corporate Research Center
1715 Pratt Dr., Suite 3500
Blacksburg, VA  24060

Additionally, in the unlikely event that all, or substantially all, of our assets are sold or transferred to another party, all email addresses collected and saved by us may be transferred to the acquiring party. Finally, we may disclose your child's email address to third parties in order to comply with the law, to law enforcement agencies, to protect our rights in or the safety of the Sites, or to protect the safety or rights of other users of the Sites.

Cookies and Non-Personally Identifiable Information

To help make the Sites more responsive to the needs of our visitors, we invoke a standard feature found in browser software, called a "cookie," to assign each visitor a unique, random number, a sort of anonymous user ID that resides on your computer. The cookie doesn't actually identify the visitor, just the computer that a visitor uses to access our site. A cookie can't read data off your hard drive. We do not link cookie data with personally identifiable information, nor do we store a child’s personal information in our cookies. You can disable cookies at any time by changing the preferences in your browser.

Finally, records of certain non-personally identifiable information such as the number of hits a Web page receives, IP address, and other aggregate data are maintained via the Sites. We do not link this aggregate data with any personal information. Third parties that help us administer the Sites may have access to this non-personally identifiable, aggregate data,. However, these third parties are bound to keep this information confidential.

Parent's Rights

We want you to be comfortable with what your child is doing on the Site. Therefore, you may contact the Foundation at any time regarding privacy questions or concerns, or to request to review personally identifiable information we have collected from your child. You may also contact us at any time to request that we delete your child's personally identifiable information, and/or refuse to permit further collection or use of your child's information. We will take steps to ensure that any person contacting us for a child's information is that child's parent or guardian.

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Office
1133 Fifteenth St., N.W.
Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 202-857-0166
Fax: 202-857-0162
Email: childrens.privacy.policy@nfwf.org

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