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Five Star and Nature Restoration Trust Full-proposal Project Narrative

Instructions: Save this document on your computer and complete the narrative in the format provided; allow one to two paragraphs for each answer. The final narrative should not exceed six (6) pages; do not delete the text provided below. Once complete, upload this document as a pdf or MS Word file into the on-line application as instructed.

Environmental Objectives:

  1. What specific ecological need does your project address?
  2. Is this project part of a larger regional and/or local watershed effort? If so, please briefly identify this effort and your project's role.
  3. What specific on-the-ground restoration activities will be undertaken?
  4. What specific ecological objectives do you hope to achieve through this restoration activity?
  5. What indicator(s) will you use to measure progress toward your ecological objectives?
  6. What technical expertise/experience does your partnership have to help ensure your project is designed, implemented and measured effectively?
  7. Will your project need to be maintained in successive years after restoration has been completed? If so, please explain your partnership's vision for sustaining the restoration.

Educational Objectives:

  1. What specific educational objectives do you hope to achieve through this activity?
  2. Are your project's educational activities part of a larger educational effort? If so, please briefly describe this effort and how your project contributes to it?
  3. What audience is the target of your educational activities?
  4. What specific activities will be undertaken?
  5. What indicator(s) will you use to measure progress toward your educational objectives? (Number of children engaged in program, pre- and post- test scores on ecological awareness, etc.)
  6. What expertise/experience does your partnership have that will help ensure that your educational activities are designed, implemented and measured effectively?
  7. Does your partnership, or a subset thereof, intend to continue these educational activities in successive years after your project's initial educational objectives are completed? If so, please explain what your vision is for sustaining the educational aspects of your project?

Partnership Capacity Objectives:

  1. How does your partnership demonstrate a commitment to continued watershed or community stewardship efforts?
  2. Has your organization or the proposed project been supported by a Five Star grant in the past five years? If so, please provide the name and grant number of the project.

Nature Restoration Trust Requirement:

  1. If your project falls within the NRT geographical guidelines, briefly explain how your project links to the outcomes shown in the NRT Program Logic Framework on the Foundation's website (www.nfwf.org/nrt).
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