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Marcia Bartusiak, A'ndrea Messer, William Hammack, and David Perlman join the growing ranks of NASW members honored as fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

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Seats will be available at the door on a first-come, first-served basis for the NYC Regional ScienceWriters Meeting. Cash or check made out to NASW only: members $18, non-members $25, full-time students $5. The NYC meeting will be held on Monday, May 11, from 1 to 5 p.m, focusing on "Artists and Science Writers: Finding Common Ground." It will be co-hosted with the Science & the Arts Program of the CUNY Graduate Center, and will take place at their building on Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.


NewsFlash: CUNY has reserved seats for the sold-out May 11 screening of Between the Folds especially for NASW members who attend the Regional ScienceWriters event that day. Select this option when you register online for the NYC Regional ScienceWriters event. Are your Monday schedules unpredictable? We're keeping online registration open until Friday, May 8, so that you can be sure to join us for this event.

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Full time students can register for the NYC Regional ScienceWriters Meeting, an afternoon of Artists and Science Writers: Finding Common Ground, at the discounted rate of $5. Sign up here.


Even as American citizens took to the polls in this past fall's historic national presidential election, our own NASW members were casting ballots for our organization's new slate of officers and the members at large of the board of directors. To some people, the U.S. presidential election felt overdue. In NASW's case, the 2008 election really was overdue — and that flawed timing is something that we need your help to rectify in yet another membership vote; you'll be able to cast ballots electronically from mid-May to the end of June.

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If you have ever written anything published in book form, you need to check the terms of the Google Book Settlement. Unfortunately, the documentation is about as user-friendly as an income tax return, and time is running out for opting out of the settlement. Help is now available. Kristine Smith, chair of the digital rights management committee of Novelists Inc., has compiled a nice set of examples of how to fill out the Google Book Settlement claims, which covers books and articles published in the past, sometimes the distant past. Read them here (PDF).


The administrator of the Google settlement has asked NASW, through the Authors Coalition, to distribute the following notice to all our members. It contains important information about the rights of authors and other copyright owners under the settlement. Please give it your careful attention.

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Last revised: May 11, 2009

The National Association of Science Writers, Inc.
P.O. Box 7905, Berkeley, CA 94707 | (510) 647-9500

Copyright © 2009 The National Association of Science Writers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The largest organization devoted to the professional interests of science writers, the National Association of Science Writers fosters "the dissemination of accurate information regarding science through all media normally devoted to informing the public." Its 2,743 members include science writers and editors, and science-writing educators and students.


For membership inquiries:

Tinsley Davis,
NASW executive director

For web site issues:

Russell Clemings,
NASW cybrarian

Going through Diane withdrawal?

Diane McGurgan,
NASW executive director (retired)