MSAThe Mycological Society of America is a scientific society dedicated to advancing the science of mycology - the study of fungi of all kinds including mushrooms, molds, truffles, yeasts, lichens, plant pathogens, and medically important fungi. Our scholarly journal Mycologia is one of the top mycological serials worldwide. Our bimonthly newsletter Inoculum keeps members up to date on fungal news of all kinds. MSA members meet annually to exchange information about all aspects of fungi.

Our vibrant society welcomes new members.

Time to apply for MSA awards

It’s the time of year to think about nominating someone you admire–or applying yourself–for one of MSA’s many awards. Applications are due on Feb 15, 2009.

MSA Meeting 2009

It’s not too early to start looking forward to our next annual meeting, when MSA will meet in Snowbird, Utah (July 25-29). Meeting with us will be the Botanical Society of America, American Fern Society, American Bryological and Lichenological Society, and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists–we expect some very stimulating dialogue. Deadlines for proposing symposia, workshops, field trips and discussion sessions are fast approaching. Visit our meeting site for further information.

Deep Hypha Issue of Mycologia

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Order your copy of the special Deep Hypha issue (vol. 98, no. 6) of Mycologia here. This issue focuses on the phylogeny of the kingdom Fungi. You can also join the MSA, which gives you online access to all issues of Mycologia.


Check out the November 2008 issue of Inoculum, now online.

MSA is grateful for the support of our Sustaining Members.