Resource Record Details

Getting Started: Building Support for Mitigation Planning

The first guide in the State and Local Mitigation Planning How-To Series discusses the activities and issues involved in initiating a hazard mitigation planning process. The topics covered here are presented within the context of the beginning phase of the mitigation planning process, although many of these activities will continue throughout the process. Therefore, the efforts you put into identifying and organizing your resources early on will pay dividends later as you progress through some of the more challenging tasks of mitigation planning. This how-to guide thus covers not only this first phase of the planning process, but also provides snapshots of later phases

Document Details:
Media Type: CD-ROM
Availability: Distribution Warehouse
Language: English
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 386-1
Distribution Restrictions: Number of Hard Copies: 25

Media Type: File
Availability: Online
Custom CD/DVD
Language: English
Date Published: 09/2002
Number of Pages: 95
FEMA Publication Number: FEMA 386-1
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 1823K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
508 Accessible Format: View / Download / Print  (txt 188K)
Chapter / Section Records
Chapter / Section Title: How To #1 Getting Started Cover
Chapter / Section Number: 1
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 704K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Appendix D
Chapter / Section Number: 10
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 4932K) This is a large file and may take considerable time to download on slower connections. Consider adding this to your Bookshelf and then using the "CD on Demand" feature upon checkout instead.
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Afterword
Chapter / Section Number: 11
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 53K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Back Cover
Chapter / Section Number: 12
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 530K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Title & Table of Contents
Chapter / Section Number: 2
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 620K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Foreword and Introduction
Chapter / Section Number: 3
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 687K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Step 1
Chapter / Section Number: 4
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 428K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Step 2
Chapter / Section Number: 5
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 327K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Step 3
Chapter / Section Number: 6
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 165K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Appendix A
Chapter / Section Number: 7
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 85K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Appendix B
Chapter / Section Number: 8
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 56K)
Chapter / Section Title: How-To #1 Getting Started Appendix C
Chapter / Section Number: 9
Resource File: View / Download / Print  (pdf 109K)

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