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Map Centered at 19°N, 156°W

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ANSS - Advanced National Seismic SystemPan NorthwestPan NorthPan NortheastPan EastPan SoutheastPan SouthPan SouthwestPan WestLocal Timezone TimesEvent hv00031416Event hv00031414Event hv00031413Event hv00031410Event hv00031409Event hv00031406Event hv00031402Event hv00031401Event hv00031394Event hv00031385Event hv00031383Event hv00031376Event hv00031375Event hv00031374Event hv00031367Event hv00031360Event hv00031359Event hv00031354Event hv00031345Event hv00031342Event hv00031340Event hv00031337Event hv00031330Event hv00031321Event hv00031315Event hv00031314Event hv00031311Event hv00031302Event hv00031299Event hv00031294



  • Brown lines are known hazardous faults and fault zones. White lines are roads.
  • To convert UTC to US time zones, see this list or this table.
  • Magnitude = ? for new earthquakes until a magnitude is determined.
  • Maps show events recorded in the last 7 days with M1+ within the United States and adjacent areas.
  • Maps are updated whenever a new earthquake has been located. Try to reload this page if you do not have the most current map.