United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Contact: Barry Frantz 717-237-2216

Harrisburg, PA, September 11, 2007− Pennsylvania farmers and landowners interested in receiving financial assistance through USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), should apply by October 31st to be considered in the first round of ranking for fiscal year 2008 funding. There will also be two additional cutoff dates of November 30, 2007 and February 1, 2008, if any funds are not allocated after the October 31st ranking period. 

NRCS conservation programs help people reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat and restore and enhance wetlands. The programs are voluntary and provide incentives such as technical and cost-sharing assistance for the planning, design and implementation of conservation systems. Examples of practices that can be funded through these programs include nutrient management, cover crops, no-till, manure storage, meadow seedings and stream fencing.

To qualify for conservation programs, the applicant must have control of the land for the life of the proposed contract. For EQIP, eligibility is limited to farmers and producers engaged in agricultural production on eligible agricultural land. All applications will be evaluated and ranked according to environmental benefits and cost effectiveness. In most projects NRCS does not cover all the costs of installation practices; participants must pay a portion.

Landowners and producers interested in learning more about these conservation programs should contact their local USDA NRCS office, or visit http://www.pa.nrcs.usda.gov.



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