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STEO Table Browser
Date Published : January 13, 2009
Next Update : February 10, 2009
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Table 4e. U.S. Regional Propane Prices and Inventories
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

(cents per gallon)


Propane Wholesale Pricea

100 117 139 67 79

Propane Residential Retail Prices Excluding Taxes



217 236 275 201 199


202 219 253 185 183


160 176 204 142 139


198 215 248 183 181

U.S. Average

188 205 235 170 168

Propane Residential Retail Prices Including Taxes



227 247 288 210 208


212 230 265 195 192


169 186 215 151 146


210 227 262 193 192

U.S. Average

198 215 248 179 177


Propane End-of-period Inventories
(million barrels)


PADD 1 (East Coast)

5.3 4.6 3.3 4.4 4.5

PADD 2 (Midwest)

22.7 19.4 18.1 19.0 19.0

PADD 3 (Gulf Coast)

31.2 25.7 32.4 28.4 27.0

PADD 4 (Rocky Mountain)

0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

PADD 5 (West Coast)

2.0 2.0 2.1 1.9 1.9

U.S. Total

61.6 52.0 56.3 54.1 52.7
a Propane price to petrochemical sector.
  - = no data available
  Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with historical data printed in bold; estimates and forecasts in italics.
  Regions refer to Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (PADD) for inventories and to U.S. Census regions for prices.
  See "Petroleum Administration for Defense District" and "Census region" in EIA's Energy Glossary (http://www.eia.doe.gov/glossary/index.html) for a list of States in each region.
  Historical data: Latest data available from Energy Information Administration databases supporting the following reports: Petroleum Marketing Monthly, DOE/EIA-0380;
  Petroleum Supply Monthly, DOE/EIA-0109; Petroleum Supply Annual, DOE/EIA-0340/2; and Weekly Petroleum Status Report, DOE/EIA-0208.
  Minor discrepancies with published historical data are due to independent rounding.
  Projections: Generated by simulation of the EIA Regional Short-Term Energy Model.