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Our list of cover crops below has been prepared by a team of agricultural professionals participating in our SARE Professional Development Grant "Covering New Ground: Tropical Cover Crops for Improving Soil Quality." Click on a crop name below for a comprehensive description of the plant and how to grow it in the Pacific region.

Generally used for orchard crops such as coffee and macadamia, cover crops are planted to protect the soil surface between tree rows. They can improve trafficability between rows, benefit soil structure and microfauna, suppress weeds, promote habitat for beneficial insects, and reduce nutrient leaching.

Green manures are frequently used in vegetable crop production. They are incorporated or plowed into the soil to add organic matter and nutrients for the cash crops. Green manures can be managed to disrupt plant disease cycles or to suppress nematodes. Generally they grow very quickly, are very herbaceous, decompose rapidly, and release nutrients quickly.

NOTE: Some of the cover crop and green manure species on this website are currently being evaluated by the Hawaii Weed Risk Assessment as potentially invasive. Check their website for the most current information.

Cover Crops

Green Manures





Additional information about green manures and cover crops:

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Last updated on 4/25/2008
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