Cover Crop Icon

Cover Cropping in Row and Field Crops


We would like to thank all those who helped us develop this slide set. We are particularly grateful to Steve Temple (UC Davis Agronomy and Range Science) and Benny Fouche (UC Cooperative Extension San Joaquin County) for their review of the script, and to all those who shared their slides with us.

Fred Thomas, CERUS Consulting
Ann Mayse, UC SAREP
David Chaney, UC SAREP

Photo Credits (number on this list corresponds to page number in PDF document)

3. Bill Liebhardt

4. David Chaney

5. Fred Thomas

7. Chuck Ingels

8. Chuck Ingels

9. Howard Gerletti

10. Society of Nematology

11. Fred Thomas

12. Fred Thomas

15. David Chaney

16. Rachel Freeman Long

17. Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project

19. Fred Thomas

20. David Chaney

21. Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project

23. Fred Thomas

24. Fred Thomas

26. Fred Thomas

27. Mark Van Horn

28. Fred Thomas

29. Fred Thomas

30. Jack Kelly Clark

33. Chuck Ingels

34. Celpril, Rhone-Poulenc

35. Chuck Ingels

37. David Chaney

42. Mara Johnson/Kate Scow

43. Mara Johnson/Kate Scow

44. Bruce Jaffe

45. Suzanne Paisley

47. Fred Thomas

48. David Chaney

49. Fred Thomas

50. David Chaney

51. Fred Thomas

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