Chronicle Careers

Facts about The Chronicle

For more than 40 years, The Chronicle of Higher Education has been essential for news, information and jobs in academe. Published weekly and updated daily online, The Chronicle covers news and trends in every area of the operation and management of college campuses. In addition, The Chronicle's Careers section is the largest job marketplace in higher education, with more than 30,000 jobs posted each year.


The Chronicle reaches the largest print and online audience in higher education -- by far. But don't take our word for it -- the Audit Bureau of Circulations verifies our nearly 76,000 print subscribers and more than one million monthly online visitors.

Plus, our subscribers pass along their copies to colleagues at a high rate for a total print audience of nearly 350,000 readers. As the only academic recruiting service with a guaranteed, audited circulation, you can trust The Chronicle to deliver your job announcement to the largest and widest audience in higher education.


The Chronicle's recruiting service wins raves from both job seekers and recruiters. According to a recent survey, nearly 70 percent of subscribers have used The Chronicle to look for a job. In addition, more than 75 percent of recruiters said The Chronicle is an excellent source of qualified job candidates. Indeed -- nearly 70 percent of them have hired applicants who responded to their ads in The Chronicle.


No matter what position you need to fill, The Chronicle's readers are the right audience for your job announcement. Subscribers reflect the full range of job titles in higher education: more than 40 percent are administrative officers, and nearly 45 percent are academic officers and faculty members.


Job seekers are drawn to The Chronicle not just for the thousands of current job openings, but also for the exclusive job-market news, advice columns, and first-person diaries published every week in print and every day online at Visitors use interactive resources like the CV Doctor, post questions in our popular forums, and participate in other community-building activities.


The Chronicle attracts an enormous online audience by offering tools to keep job seekers active and informed. As soon as we receive your job announcement, The Chronicle works hard to get it in the hands of the right candidates. Every day, we send job alerts via e-mail to more than 85,000 people who have asked to be notified of new jobs in their fields. Online, candidates can now prepare their applications with innovative portfolio-management tools, facilitating their response to your job announcement. More than 50,000 job seekers have registered to use this new service.


The Chronicle is an active participant at dozens of higher-education conferences throughout the year, delivering your ad in person to thousands of people in a variety of fields and disciplines. For a schedule of forthcoming conference appearances, go to


The Chronicle understands the complex process of recruiting better than anyone else in higher education. That's why we've recruited the best team of advertising consultants to help you achieve your hiring goals. To make sure your needs are met each and every time, you'll work with your own personal Chronicle Careers representatives. Dedicated professionals who know you by name, understand your situation, and who are there any time -- and every time -- you have a job to do.