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Search Tips

Basic searching
  • Enter keywords in the search box and click on Go to find results containing any of your keywords. For example, a search for:

     california state fellowships

    will retrieve articles and listings that contain any of these three words. (This is equivalent to using the match any word option in Advanced Search.)

    The default sort by relevance will list results that contain the most frequent occurences of your search terms first.

Refining your search
  • Use quotation marks if you want to find items in which your search terms appear next to each other and in a specific order. For example, a search for:

     "california state"

    will only retrieve documents that contain these exact words.

    Note that no special characters -- asterisks, tildes, or plus or minus signs -- will work within the quotation marks.

  • Use the plus (+) sign if a term or phrase MUST appear in the search results. For example, a search for:

     "university of texas" athletics +"san antonio"

    means that all results MUST contain the phrase "san antonio," and may also include university of texas OR athletics.

  • Use the minus (-) sign to indicate that a term or phrase must NOT appear in the search results. For example, a search for:

     "university of texas" athletics -austin

    will retrieve documents that contain either university of texas or athletics, but none that contain the word austin.

    Tip: Use the minus function carefully; you may inadvertently leave out relevant results.

  • For the narrowest search, select the match every word option. This restricts the results lists to documents that contain every term entered in the search box. For example a search for:

     harvard history "american studies"

    will retrieve only documents that contain the words harvard, history, AND american studies.

Expanding your search
  • Use the asterisk (*) as a wild-card character to broaden your search results. For example:


    will retrieve documents with the words teach, teacher, teachers, or teaching in them.

  • Use the tilde (~) to include synonyms and other related concepts of a term. The tilde should be inserted in front of the word or phrase you wish to expand. For example:


    will retrieve documents with words such as school, training, instruct, teach, teacher, and so on.

Searching job listings

Additional parameters can be included in your search when entered from the Chronicle Careers or the Careers advanced search pages.
  • ZIP code: Enter a valid U.S. ZIP code and a distance amount in the radius field and only jobs within that ZIP code's selected range of miles will be found by your search.

    Tip: ZIP code searching is based on longitude and latitude coordinates plus or minus a number of degrees. Results may vary based on geographical location so try expanding your choice of radius miles to be sure of finding all relevant listings.

  • Category: Job listings are classified by advertisers according to a hierarchical list of terms. The four top-level headings are Faculty/Research, Administrative, Executive, and Organizations Other Than Colleges. Each heading has several subcategories of its own and you can choose one or more to include in your search.

  • State or region: Sometimes you may wish to include a broader range of locations in your search than the ZIP code criteria allow. This location menu allows you to search on broad areas inside the U.S. or internationally, as well on different multiple states at once.

  • Search agents: Also on Chronicle Careers, you can save your search parameters and have The Chronicle notify you via e-mail when new jobs arrive. Simply click on the "Create Search Agent" button at the top of the results screen. You will be prompted for your e-mail address, a name for the agent, preferred format and frequency of notification. After you have confirmed the creation of your search agent, e-mails will be sent to you automatically notifying you of new positions in your field.

If you have questions, or are experiencing problems with searching, send an e-mail message to

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