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Author Topic: Job market check-in thread  (Read 221725 times)
Distinguished Senior Member
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« on: November 12, 2007, 02:18:38 PM »

Some of us were enjoying the positive atmosphere on the "How Many Applications" thread and thought a broader check-in thread might be useful. I would love to see this remain a zone of minimal snark, if possible, so that we could focus on trying to be supportive of each other's efforts on the market. Anyone on the market is welcome to share their experiences here, whether you are ABD or a more established scholar looking to move. You can, of course, stay as anonymous as you choose here.

I was going to send out the last of my applications last weekend, but I decided I needed a short break to fend off the despair a bit and have a second wind for the end of the list. I've done a phone interview and a conference interview, neither of which was terribly remarkable. My focus for the rest of the term is to get through the applications and the teaching and then try to immerse myself in my research as much as possible. I find I react too strongly to random events lately and think some of it is this slow-irritant job market stress that is eroding my soul.

How's everyone else doing?
Merely a
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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 02:49:59 PM »

Thanks for the thread. I've received two requests for further materials so far, which seems like a good sign. Both schools wanted to see sample syllabi for highly specific courses, and since I'm ABD (first time on the market) and have never lectured before, I've had to create them all from scratch. This is frustratingly time-consuming, and it seems like a lot of work to put in for jobs for which I don't even have interviews scheduled yet. I'm trying to take the perspective that these syllabi will be useful preparation even if I don't get interviews for these two positions...

I've had a pretty constant level of anxiety for about a month now ... kind of like a buzzing sound in the back of my head...
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« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 02:59:45 PM »

Two requests for extra materials out of six searches that would need to request them. My three top jobs requested everything up front, so I won't know what's up until I do, or don't, hear from them by mid-Dec.

And, as I've learned to expect through my experience looking for a job last year, the searches whose job postings read like they were written with *exactly* my project and candidacy in mind have apparently cut me loose in the first round.

I really hope I get a job this year. I have one more year of my postdoc, and honestly don't want to give that up. But if giving it up means that I won't have to go on the market again next year (which would make it three years in a row), I'd say that's a fair trade-off. The job market's for the effin' birds.
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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2007, 03:10:41 PM »

I'm trying to get the last of my applications out this weekend so that I can move on already.  I've had one major stress breakdown so far--not bad, by my standards--mostly because it seems that I'm out of the running for three of my top choice jobs.  Since that bad news, I have gotten two requests for materials, which helped things a bit.  I try to tell myself it's still early. 

And yes, my soul is also being whittled away, bit by painful bit.  Am I the only one who has to laugh to myself every time I go to the post office to mail an app and the clerk says, "Anything fragile, perishable or potentially hazardous?"  If you only knew, buddy; if you only knew.

Good luck to everyone.
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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2007, 03:19:55 PM »

My top two positions should be contacting their shortlist this week and next, as far as I can tell. I'm hanging in there pretty well.

The worst part is definitely the big fatty fat pervasive UNKNOWN. Not knowing when, where, how, or if any this will work out, and trying to come up with a backup-plan for every variation of possible outcomes.

I'm focusing on the knowns rather than the unknowns. I know exercise helps. I know working on my dissertation is the most comforting AND productive thing I can do right now. I know it's all going to be fine, whatever it will be.

Good luck to all!
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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 03:29:51 PM »

MLA field:

- 46 applications (43 TT, 3 Post-doc)
- 2 Requests for More Materials (nice, big RU/VH institutions)
- 3 Schools were others have been contacted (according to the infallible wiki)
- 13 Schools who requested everything upfront

By the way, I find the description of a "buzzing" sensation above to be exactly right - and this year there is no dissertation to bury myself in for the next month.
Posts: 126

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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2007, 03:44:32 PM »

I've sent out about a dozen applications so far and have another 10 or so in the works with later deadlines. So far, one rejection and one request for more materials. The rest... deafening silence.

I'm also dealing with the buzzing but sometimes it becomes a dull roar... 

And trying not to check the wiki every five minutes just in case there's some tidbit of news.

Thanks for the thread. Nice to have some good vibes floating around.
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« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2007, 03:57:20 PM »

2nd time out on the market (MLA field--so close last year); first time with Ph.D. in hand.
45 applications (TT)
14 wanted everything up front
3 requests for more material so far with the next two to three weeks being the big request weeks in the MLA cycle, though I've gotten requests as late as the week before the conference (no news on the wiki about the other jobs--but I should say that while there is non-reporting and fake reporting, what I've seen so far matches exactly with what I know to be true--for all three requests, the day I got a request, someone else posted that hu also got a request).

Overall, second time round is much easier. I know what to expect and had all or nearly all of my material ready before the first posting came up.
Anxious? Yes, I check email and the wiki all the time, as though that might speed up the process.
Legal Alien
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« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2007, 04:06:06 PM »

Thanks for the thread Dre!

MLA field - 47 applications out, 3 to go. So far, one rejection and about 25 letters of receipt and requests to fill out affirmative action cards - no interviews scheduled yet. I'm not expecting to hear much until December, but the waiting and silence is maddening. I'm very busy between working on my diss and looking after a toddler, and I'm hitting the gym regularly, but I can't seem to get the job search out of my mind. After all, I've worked hard for years to get to this point, and I'm about to find out if it's all been worth it. A constant buzzing indeed.

"Dublin, Dundee, Humberside ..."
Empress &
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« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2007, 04:23:23 PM »

I'm not on the market this year.  I just wanted to say good luck to everyone.
Hang in there, and be good to yourselves.

(nee pink_lady)

Horses don't have seatbelts.
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« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 04:26:08 PM »

Yep, thanks for the thread.

I am ABD, working in an interdisciplinary humanities field which seems to do things on the earlier side.  Have sent out about 30 of 40 total apps.  Have had one conference interview, 4 requests for more info (including one for, ahem, the entire diss, which was scary), and--out of the blue--one invitation to campus.   Glad that I went into debt to buy that suit in August after all, despite previous superstitious fears that the investment would mean doom.  Trying to stay positive, but also experiencing the buzz reminding me that many before me have gotten play this early but no job come May.   Thanks for listening, people.  And good luck!
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« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2007, 04:30:35 PM »

Am I the only one who has to laugh to myself every time I go to the post office to mail an app and the clerk says, "Anything fragile, perishable or potentially hazardous?"  If you only knew, buddy; if you only knew.

I laughed for the first time in two days reading this.  Thank you so much!

I have only applied for two jobs, for various reasons.  Silence from one, request for writing sample from the other.  At this point, I just want it over, whether the outcome is positive or negative.  My head is going to explode.

Good luck all!
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« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2007, 05:29:53 PM »

I'm not on the job market this year, either. But good luck, everybody! I am crossing my fingers for you!
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« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2007, 05:46:00 PM »

Am I the only one who has to laugh to myself every time I go to the post office to mail an app and the clerk says, "Anything fragile, perishable or potentially hazardous?"  If you only knew, buddy; if you only knew.

I laughed for the first time in two days reading this.  Thank you so much!

Me, too. Good one.

5 applications out and 2 more in the works. I'm trying a "focused" search this year. I find it helps to soothe the nerves by editing the wiki (for style, not content). My disciplinary area now has lovely headers and well-organized sub-divisions. You're welcome.
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« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2007, 05:49:33 PM »

Here are my "stats" so far:

- 36 job applications filed
- about 4 more to send out
- 29 applications with a past deadline
- 10 schools have contacted me
- 2 campus visits scheduled
- 5 interviews at big national conference
- 3 requests for more materials

I am very surprised (and delighted) about the high degree of interest I am getting this year. I am also very surprised (and somewhat worried) about how early some schools are inviting folks to campus this time around. Some of my dream jobs will most likely hold interviews/campus visits in January and February, so I am wondering what I'll do if I get a job offer earlier than that. Overall, though, I am really happy and grateful :-).
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