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AMICO Logo Art Museum Image Consortium: enabling educational use of museum multimedia
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AMICO Library Subscriber Benefits

There are many benefits to subscribing to The AMICO Library.

Clear Pricing Unlimited use for one annual subscription
Simple Connection

Web-based interface for understandable navigation

Search features make finding sought-after works easy

Online access ensures works are never "checked out"; The AMICO Library is never closed

Teaching Possibilities

Use AMICO Library works in class lectures, assignments, or academic presentations

Illustrate papers and class assignments with AMICO works

Incorporate AMICO works in class web pages for study and review purposes

Data Richness

Every work in The AMICO Library has basic cataloguing information

Some works are enhanced with associated information like curatorial texts, detailed provenance history, multiple views of the work, sound, video, and more

Image Quality

Various image sizes (depending upon distributor) -- up to 1024 x 768 pixels -- are available for every work

Image files may be downloaded for educational use

High quality TIFF files can be provided upon request (depending on license agreement signed)

Rights Clearance

All works in The AMICO Library are cleared for non-commercial, educational use

AMICO's agreements with Artists Rights Society (ARS) and Visual Artists and Galleries Association (VAGA) provide unprecedented access to modern and contemporary artworks

Quotes from users about The AMICO Library

"Students liked the extra attention. They really appreciated that these specially-created sites existed to aid in their learning."
- Jeffery Howe, Art History Professor, Boston College (uses works from The AMICO Library in password-protected course websites)

"The AMICO Library enlivens my curriculum with new images and new ways to teach art."
- Scott Howe, Art History
and Humanities Teacher (grades 11 & 12), Isidore Newman School

"Using The AMICO Library provided a vast repository of visual data and excellent subject matter."
- Eelco Brunisma, Educational Multimedia Professor, University of Leiden

"The AMICO Library has this great serendipity factor. The size of the database, the rapidity with which you can scan, allows you to see art and its relation to culture in a far more expansive way, and so to fall upon connections you otherwise would not have seen, and in this way to pull upon the threads which tie together human culture."
- Mark O'Connor, Humanities Professor, Boston College


Last modified on December 23, 2004