NOTE: These books cannot be returned for refunds. BOOK ORDER FORM: The Wetland Plants and Plant Communities of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Published by the US Army Corps of Engineers, 1997, 263 pages. Authors Steve D. Eggers and Donald M. Reed. Includes 185 color photographs of 15 wetland types and 144 representative plant species. Ink drawings of taxonomic characteristics, cross sections of wetland types, and other subjects. Brief descriptions of each plant species include taxonomic characteristics, habitat, and notes on wildlife use and economic values. Cover is waterproof-tear proof vinyl binding is sewn and glued to withstand use in the field. Cost per book is $11.00. Shipping book rate is $2.00. For quicker delivery, ship first class for $3.50. Make your check or money order payable to: FOA, US ARMY, ST. PAUL DISTRICT, COE. For bulk orders, 10 or above, shipping and handling is 10 percent of the book total. If you have questions call (651)290-5680. NOTE: These books cannot be returned for refunds. MAIL ORDER BLANK AND CHECK TO: St. Paul District, US Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: CEMVP-Library/SALES AGENT 190 5th St. East, Suite 401 St. Paul, MN 55101-1638 PRINT CAREFULLY--THIS IS YOUR SHIPPING LABEL NAME:_______________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS:______________________________________________ CITY:______________________________ STATE:_______ ZIP:________ Quantity Price Total Wetland Book(s): _______ $11.00 _______ 1st Class Shipping: _______ $3.50 _______ Book Rate Shipping: _______ $2.00 _______ Grand Total: $ _______ NOTE: These books cannot be returned for refunds.