The University of Vermont

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Welcome Students, Prospective Students and Parents:

Tom VogelmannIt is my pleasure to describe the opportunities and programs within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS).  Our curricula and areas of research span from the basic life sciences, to agriculture and food systems; to nutrition and health; to community development and entrepreneurship.  Whether you are interested in one of the many majors in CALS or whether you are interested in pre-professional programs such as prevet and premed, we have something for you. 

I am an alumnus of this college, having received my degree in biological sciences some thirty years ago.  I am pleased to say that my degree and undergraduate training served me well.  Having spent time at five universities and engaging myself in the rigors of a highly competitive scientific field, I am thankful for the well-rounded education that I received at UVM as an undergraduate that prepared me so well for my career.  Having returned to UVM, it is my extreme pleasure to work with the dedicated and talented faculty and staff who make our academic programs so special.  

Our faculty excel in the classroom and many have received awards at the college, university and national level for their ability to work with and inspire students.  Our scholarship and research programs are strong and with over $4M of outside grants, CALS is second only to the College of Medicine in terms of the amount of funding from highly competitive national agencies such as the NSF, NIH, USDA, and DOE.  This vibrant research enterprise offers students the opportunity to bridge formal learning in the classroom with hands-on experiential learning in the lab and outside in the field, working with faculty who are at the cutting-edge of their field.

Our academic programs are designed to give students the knowledge, skills, and personal attention they need to prepare them for a career in today’s increasingly complex and changing world.  Check out the web pages for the departments in CALS and you’ll get a better feel for what we offer.  For students interested in current and emerging agricultural systems peruse the web pages of the departments of Plant & Soil Science; and Animal Science.  For those interested in the basic life sciences, check out the departments of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and Plant Biology.  You’ll find ecology, molecular biology and much more.  And, because science is interdisciplinary, you’ll find both basic and applied research in all four of these departments.  If you have an interest in nutrition, current problems in human health such as the obesity epidemic, and in food science, surf the pages of the department of Nutrition and Food Science.  And for those of you who are interested in food systems, communities, and entrepreneurship, check out the vibrant programs in CDAE. Finally, we offer four cross college programs in Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies and Biochemistry.

CALS is a small college within a larger university.  As a result, we offer a personal touch and we offer flexibility in our programs. Please contact people listed on its pages to learn more about CALS majors, departments and programs. Get to know our faculty and staff. Find out about special events in the College. Explore what our students and faculty are doing that makes a difference in the lives of people in Vermont and the world. Most of all, visit our campus! I am happy to answer your questions and make sure you have any additional information you may need.

Thomas C. Vogelmann
Interim Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Last modified November 04 2008 11:29 AM

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