The University of Vermont

Undergraduate Degree Programs

There are two paths to the bachelor's degree in Plant Biology: the B.S. in Plant Biology through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the B.A. in Plant Biology through the College of Arts and Sciences. All Plant Biology majors select from three concentrations: General Plant Biology, Ecology and Evoloutionary Biology of Plants, and Plant Molecular Biology. Basic courses required for all concentrations as well as courses specific to each concentration are listed below. Students may petition the department to substitute similar courses for those listed. Study of modern foreign languages is encouraged for those attracted to the many international career opportunities in plant biology. Students interested in other specialized areas of Plant Biology (such as Ethnobotany, for example) can use self-designed majors to develop an appropriate program of study.

Click here to download a table of course requirements for Plant Biology majors (PDF)

Click here to download a printable curriculum checklist for Plant Biology majors (PDF)

Bachelor of Arts in Plant Biology

Combining a liberal arts education with a concentration in Plant Biology

The Bachelor of Arts in Plant Biology is offered through UVM's College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). Students must meet the general degree requirements for the college found at the following link:

College of Arts and Sciences degree requirements

Bachelor of Science in Plant Biology

The Bachelor of Science in Plant Biology is offered through UVM's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). Students must meet the general degree requirements for the college found at the following link:

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) degree requirements

Plant Biology Required Core Courses

In addition to completing the general CALS or CAS degree requirements, All Plant Biology students (regardless of concentration) must complete the following Plant Biology Core requirements:

  • BCOR 011, BCOR 012, BCOR 101
  • PBIO 104
  • CHEM 031, CHEM 032, CHEM 141, CHEM 142*
  • MATH 019 and MATH 020; or MATH 021 and MATH 022
  • PHYS 011 or PHYS 031; and accompanying lab (PHYS 021)
  • STAT 141, STAT 211, or NR 140

*Students desiring an especially strong foundation in chemistry may instead enroll in the equivalent courses for chemistry majors: CHEM 035, 036, 143, 144

Concentration Requirements

Students must also complete the requirements for one of the following concentrations:

General Plant Biology

This concentration offers broad training at all levels of plant biology ranging from molecular biology to plant communities. Students have the flexibility to study plants from many perspectives and to understand how the diverse areas are interrelated. Students, in consultation with a faculty advisor, can choose courses that meet their individual needs and interestts. Students are encouraged to perform undergraduate research working directly with departmental faculty on laboratory or field projects in plant biology.

In addition to the Plant Biology Core requirements (listed above), this concentration has the following requirements and electives:

Concentration Requirements (8 credits):

  • BCOR 102
  • PBIO 108 or PBIO 109

Concentration Electives (at least 18 credits):

At least 18 credit hours (including at least two 200-level Plant Biology courses) selected in consultation with your advisor. Acceptable courses include the following:

BCOR 103; BIOL 203, 238, 254, 263, 264, 265, 269, 270, 271; ENSC 101, 201; FOR 021, 120, 121, 122, 126, 225, 228, 234; GEOG 081; GEOL 001, 055, 101, 151; MMG 220, 225, 240, 262; NR 220, 224, 260; PBIO 117, 201, 202, 205, 209, 213, 223, 232, 234, 241, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262; PHRM 272, 290; PSS 117, 152, 161, 215, 261; Special Topics courses at advisor's discretion; Undergraduate Research for credit.

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Plants

This concentration offers broad training in organismal biology, with emphasis on population and physiological ecology, community structure and function, and plant evolution and diversity. Students choose from a menu of options in fulfilling most requirements; this flexible curriculum enables students to select from a wide range of courses while achieving proficiency in ecology and evolution of plants. Students are encouraged to initiate an independant research project with one of our faculty.

In addition to the Plant Biology Core requirements (listed above), this concentration has the following requirements and electives:

Concentration Requirements (12 credits):

  • BCOR 102
  • PBIO 108, PBIO 109

Concentration Electives (at least 15 credits):

At least 15 credit hours (including at least two 200-level Plant Biology courses) selected in consultation with your advisor. Acceptable courses include the following:

BCOR 103; BIOL 203, 238, 254, 264, 269, 270, 271; ENSC 101, 201; FOR 021, 120, 121, 122, 126, 225, 228, 234; GEOG 081; GEOL 001, 055, 101, 151; MMG 220, 262; NR 220, 224, 260; PBIO 117, 201, 202, 205, 209, 213, 223, 232, 234, 241, 260, 261, 262; PSS 117, 152, 161, 215; Special Topics courses at advisor's discretion; Undergraduate Research for credit.

Plant Molecular Biology

This concentration focuses on the inner workings of plants at the molecular, cellular, and organismal level. Although the basic cellular functions of plants are the same as those of animals, plants face unique challenges and have evolved interesting solutions. To understand the unique biology of plants within a context of what is known about other organisms, courses examining the biochemistry and molecular biology are supplemented by courses on the molecular funtions and development of other organisms. In addition to coursework, students are encouraged to get hands-on laboratory experience by taking advantage of the many opportunities to participate in independent research with department faculty.

In addition to the Plant Biology Core requirements (listed above), this concentration has the following requirements and electives:

Concentration Requirements (12-16 credits):

  • PBIO 201 and PBIO 202; or BIOC 205, BIOC 206, and BIOC 207
  • MMG 101
  • BCOR 103

Concentration Electives (at least 12 credits):

At least 12 credit hours (including at least two 100- or 200-level Plant Biology courses) selected in consultation with your advisor. Acceptable courses include the following:

ASCI 230; BIOL 263, 265; MMG 211, 220, 225, 240, 262; NFS 243; PBIO 108, 109, 117, 205, 209, 256, 257, 261, 262; PHRM 272, 290; PSS 117; Special Topics courses at advisor's discretion; Undergraduate Research for credit.

Minor in Plant Biology

Any student interested in enrolling in the Plant Biology Minor should contact the Department. If accepted, the student will be assigned a "minor advisor" from the department who must approve all program plans and course selections.

Minor Requirements:

At least 15 hours of course work in Plant Biology, including one introductory semester course (choose from PBIO 4, BIOL 1, BIOL 2, BCOR 11, BCOR 12), two courses at or above the 100 level, and at least one course at the 200 level.

Last modified December 16 2008 01:05 PM

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