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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Community Partner Outreach Toolkit

The Community Partner Outreach Toolkit is full of great resources and how-tos. In it, you’ll find the latest SNAP facts and figures as well as frequently asked questions and program talking points. Take advantage of our tips, templates, and promising practices to ensure you’re making the most of your organization’s outreach activities. Lastly, don’t forget to check out our new cultural competency or disaster outreach materials.

milk jug graphic How to Milk This Toolkit for All It’s Worth!

Your introduction to the toolkit. Includes statistics, facts and figures about the SNAP, key messages and talking points. Lays the groundwork for how community and faith-based organizations can work with State and local SNAP offices, as well as other local nonprofits.
fish graphic Hook ‘Em, Then Reel Them In

Step-by-step instructions and examples on how to maximize outreach efforts by developing partnerships, including suggestions for different types of partners, activities for potential outreach and ideas to gain community involvement.

pear graphic Pairing Your Message With the Right Audience

An overview of how to conduct effective media outreach, including step-by-step advice on how to identify and target your audience, reach out to the media, and evaluate your results.

salt shaker graphic Cultural Competency: A Dash of Diversity, a Medley of Outreach Ideas

Find practical explanations as to the importance of effective SNAP outreach across cultures. This section also includes tips and tools for getting to know those in your community as well as resources for working effectively with minority media to increase awareness of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

avocado graphic Avoiding Pitfalls when Planning Events

Suggestions on how to plan an outreach event or press conference, including event ideas, and what to do before, during, and after the event.

apple graphic Getting to the Core of Media Relations and Outreach

Puts the media relations skills introduced in the previous media sections to use by providing dos and don’ts for interviews as well as sample press releases, media alerts, proclamations, and other helpful tools.

blueberry graphic Another Berry Good Idea for Outreach
Tips and hints about how to place a public service announcement (PSA).
wheat graphic Plant the Seeds, Reap the Benefits
An overview of Promising Practices with real life examples. Provides a system to submit your agency’s lessons learned, what you tried, what worked and what didn’t.
pepper graphic Disaster Outreach: The Heat Is On - Reaching Out After a Disaster

Learn about the Disaster SNAP and how it differs from the regular Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Review 10 easy steps to help your organization plan for outreach before a disaster strikes as well as 10 tips for increasing awareness of, and delivering, SNAP benefits in the wake of a disaster.
broccoli graphic A Bundle of Resources and Information

Learn About SNAP resources, including the new Community Hunger Champions DVD. Also includes lists of regional FNS contacts, in case you need additional technical assistance.

To download the complete Community Partner Outreach Toolkit please click here

Video: “Community Hunger Champions: Helping People Eat Right When Money’s Tight
This 7-minute film will show you how community-based organizations and SNAP offices can work as a team to increase SNAP participation. You can use this video in many different ways. For example, use it to introduce a project idea to a new partner. Use it as a motivator in staff meetings. Use it to explain your work to potential supporters.

The toolkit contains a number of ready-to-use templates to customize for your outreach activities.
Download These Additional Pieces to Complete Your Toolkit:


Last modified: 11/13/2008