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USDA National Organic Program Policy Update

Comment period for the proposed organic pasture rule is closed.
OFRF backs organic dairy farmers’ suggested rule changes.

December 23, 2008 - THE DEADLINE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT on the USDA’s National Organic Program’s (NOP) Proposed Access to Pasture Rule for Livestock is closed. OFRF has endorsed the suggested rule changes offered by the Federation of Organic Dairy Farmers, and supported a coalition of consumer groups, organic dairy and cattle producers, and other organic activists. Read their proposed rule changes.

For more information read our letter to the USDA endorsing the NODPA recommendations, our action alert which explains details of the proposal and offers guidance on how to submit comments to the NOP and read our media release announcing our endorsement of the organic dairy farmers' suggested rule changes.

The 2008 Farm Bill Policy Alerts and Updates

December 23, 2008
Policy Alert:
Reviewers Needed for Federal Ag Grantmaking Programs
Now that the new Farm Bill is law, sustainable agriculture research initiatives will need volunteers, including farmers and ranchers, to review grant applications to these programs. More...

Visit our Federal Legislation and Action pages to learn more.


September 2008
Information Bulletin No. 16 presents the latest results of OFRF-funded research and education projects.

Cover of Information Bulletin No. 16

Fall 2007
2007 National Organic Research Agenda presents a catalogue of research needs for organic agriculture.

Cover of 2007 National Organic Research Agenda

SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS ON ORGANIC AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH (SCOAR). SCOAR is a collaboration of producers and scientists whose mission is to plan and promote research and information exchange for understanding and improving organic agricultural systems.

SCOAR Bulletin No. 23
December 16, 2008 - Highlights: Grant reviewers with organic experience needed to allocate funds for federal grantmaking programs; First IFOAM conference on organic breeding upcoming in 2009; USDA-ARS studies find organic pecan profits and yeilds are higher, and mustard meal's weed killing abilities; Educational and Funding Opportunities, and more...


View the distribution of certified organic operations from the USDA National Organic Program's most recent (2006) organic producer list.

Questions about organic? Visit Organic FAQs, OFRF's fact sheet in response to frequently asked questions about organic food and farming.


Want to stay informed about organic agriculture policy in Congress and at USDA? If so, join OFRF's Organic Farmers Action Network to receive organic policy alerts and updates.

join ofan graphic

Recent studies in organic agriculture:
The Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture has released its 2007 Organic Farm Performance in Minnesota report outlining production, financial performance and farm profitability.

Organic Research Summaries
The 1st Organic Research Symposium was co-hosted by OFRF and MOSES Feb. 21-23, in conjunction with The Upper Midwest Organic Farming Conference. The full set of research summaries is available here [pdf file, 67 pp, 2.07 mb].

Organic Research Sumposium Summaries Cover

GMO News
Research conducted by University of Arizona entomologists documents cotton bollworm resistance to Bt-cotton, the first reported case of insect resistance to GM crops.