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Project Reports
OFRF research and education grants are awarded twice annually, during the spring and fall Board of Directors meetings. Projects generally are funded for one year at a time, and project investigators submit written results of their work to OFRF upon completion of their project. These final project reports are solely the work of the investigators and their cooperators, are unedited, and are not normally subject to peer review.

Most OFRF-funded project reports are accessible as downloadable Adobe pdf documents, and may be obtained by following the links below. Reports listed without links are available in hard copy upon request. To request a report in hard copy, call us at 831-426-6606 or email info@ofrf.org. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about a report or difficulty downloading a linked report on this list.


Grants Awarded

OFRF Grants Awarded Fall 2008

The OFRF Board of Directors awarded 12 new grants in November totaling $224,220. $129,162 was disbursed to support 3 fruit projects. Here are OFRF’s latest investments in new organic knowledge:

Research projects
Phillip Fujiyoshi               
University of California, Davis. Davis, California
Harnessing aphid alarm pheromone to rid broccoli of aphids.

Eric Hanson          
Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan
Optimizing mulch and fertilizer use in organic blueberries.
$57,597 (3 years)
Funded in partnership with Stretch Island Fruit Company.

Julie Jedlicka            
University of California, Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, California
Songbird conservation and insect pest management in vineyards.

Bruce Linquist             
University of California, Davis. Davis, California
Evaluation of alternative nitrogen sources for rice systems.

Patrick Moore          
WSU Cooperative Extension. Puyallup, Washington
Evaluation of day-neutral strawberries.
$38,640  (3 years) Funded in partnership with Stretch Island Fruit Company.

Jeff Moyer              
Rodale Insitute. Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Management of cutworms in organic no-till corn, year 2.

Harald Scherm         
University of Georgia. Athens, Georgia
Fish extracts in organic blueberries in the Southeastern U.S.
$32,925  (2 years) Funded in partnership with Stretch Island Fruit Company.

William Tracy            
University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin
Participatory plant breeding to improve sweet corn.

Education/outreach projects
Linda Barnes             
Marshalltown Community College. Marshalltown, Iowa
Bilingual organic farmer training and mentorship program.

Scott Black             
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Portland, Oregon
Managing farm habitat for wild pollinators.

Kristine Swaren               
Canadian Organic Growers. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Crop planning for the organic market garden.

Kimberly Williams
Kansas State University. Manhattan, Kansas
Developing web resources for high tunnels.

Funded Projects

Weed management

Managing insect pests

Managing crop diseases

Fertility management

Livestock management

Organic farming systems

Farmer education

List of OFRF-funded projects, 1990 thru fall 2008, by year
& funding cycle

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