GROW — DI 25

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"Grow Opportunity"

Promote your talents in the Directory of Illustration No. 25 and grow your marketplace. The Directory offers you a complete marketing solution that includes web, email, marketing support and print distribution to 20,000 potential buyers. Grow with us today.

• Integrated marketing programs that drive tens of thousands of unique visitors to the each month.

• Monthly email blasts that identify premier buyers in the marketplace, keeping potential clients connected to your online portfolio images.

• Marketing professionals that have ten years of collaborative experience with artists and illustrators just like you. We know the business inside and out and how to best promote your work to the marketplace.

• The Directory of Illustration is distributed to 20,000 buyers and cross-promoted in national advertising, internet banner promotion, trade events, seminars and industry sponsorships.

• Over the past 25 years Serbin Communications has put thousands of artists and illustrators in touch with qualified buyers. We continue to explore new and emerging markets to nuture your potential for growth.

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