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SIS Fundraising And Donor Support Of Annual Meeting Events

While recognizing that SIS chairs have a genuine interest in raising funds for their activities, particularly social events at the Annual Meeting, and while also recognizing that many SIS chairs have unique and beneficial relationships with potential donors, it is important to coordinate fund raising on behalf of AALL and its entities like SISs and committees. In an effort to address the importance of this process, the Executive Board approved the following policy governing fundraising activities by AALL entities:

Annual fund-raising activity (Financial Policy: Section VIII. A. Development)

Because AALL recognizes the need for a coordinated fund-raising effort, the Executive Board has delegated the following responsibilities to the Executive Director.

  1. All solicitations for funds for all purposes must be coordinated by the Executive Director before potential donors are contacted.

  2. The Executive Director will take into account in coordinating such activities the potential for a major donation from the vendor that might be compromised by a solicitation for a less significant amount.

When an SIS chair wants to approach or is approached by a potential donor or sponsor (publisher, law firm, individual) please inform the Executive Director as soon as possible before making a contact or a commitment. Many sponsors support the same event annually and this notification simply keeps all parties well informed.

The Executive Director can ensure that all entities interested in soliciting funds are informed about the current status of sponsor contacts and pledges. The Executive Director must also ensure that all invoices are issued promptly for all pledges, that all contributions are properly recorded, and that all donors are recognized in Annual Meeting signage and publications. This latter point is particularly important to donors.

The AALL Meeting Manager, Pam Reisinger, serves as a primary contact and resource person at headquarters; she assists SIS Chairs to plan all aspects of their activities, receptions, and meal events, including menu selection and setting registration ticket prices. SISs are responsible for funding all their social events, breakfasts, lunches and receptions, either through their own funds, through ticket sales, or through sponsorships. When revenues exceed the direct costs of the social event, the SIS account is credited. When expenses exceed revenues, the SIS account is depleted by the amount of the deficit. AALL does not charge overhead on these social events.

The following are a few important deadlines for sponsored and ticketed events at the Annual Meeting:

October is an important month for the SIS Chairs to plan their meetings, meals, receptions, and other social events to be held at the Annual Meeting. Preliminary Scheduling Forms are mailed to SIS Chairs by October 15th.

On November 1st all Preliminary Scheduling Forms are due to Pam at headquarters.

On December 1st, the text and registration forms for the Annual Meeting Preliminary Program are completed. All SIS meals and social events that are sponsored, wholly or in part by a donor, should be confirmed before December 1st in order to establish meal ticket prices and to give donors recognition in the Preliminary Program.

On May 1st, the text for the Annual Meeting Final Program and the Awards and Acknowledgements Brochure (distributed to all registrants) is completed and it includes an acknowledgement of all sponsorships, even those received between December 1 and May 1, the deadline for the Final Program.

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