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AALL Relationships

Chair of SIS Council/AALL Executive Board Meetings

The Chair of the SIS Council attends all meetings of the AALL Executive Board in an advisory, non-voting capacity to facilitate communication between the SISs and the Board.

In cooperation with the AALL Board Liaison to the Council, the Chair provides information related to SIS proposals, activities and concerns.

Headquarters pays for the travel, hotel, and meal expenses of the Council Chair, as directed by AALL reimbursement policy, upon submission of the standard reimbursement form.

AALL Executive Board Liaison

The AALL Vice-President appoints a Board member to serve as liaison to the SIS Council. The Executive Board Liaison works closely with the Chair of the SIS Council to carry SIS concerns and proposals to the Executive Board and to report Board actions and policies back to the SISs.

Board Liason Responsibilities

Proposals and Requests for AALL Executive Board

Any SIS issue to be considered by the AALL Executive Board at its meetings must be submitted by the AALL Board Liaison to the SIS Council and not individual SIS members (AALL Minutes 575).

Agenda items, including requests for funding of special projects, must be submitted by the stated deadline on official AALL Board agenda forms available from the Executive Director or the AALLNET web site at

Copies of the agenda item must be sent to the SIS Council Chair and the AALL Executive Board liaison.

Training Sessions for Chairs

AALL sponsors SIS Leadership Training for all vice-chairs/chairs-elect. The half-day workshops are designed to familiarize the chairs with AALL policies and procedures affecting the SISs. Newly elected vice-chairs/chairs-elect are also invited and encouraged to attend.

The sessions also provide the chairs with valuable opportunities to ask questions, voice concerns, suggest improvements, and generally share ideas.

The training sessions are held on the Saturday immediately preceding the AALL Annual Meeting.

SIS Resolutions

See "Resolutions and Expressions of Opinion". Also, see:

Information for Headquarters

During the course of the Association year, each SIS chair will receive notification that specific information items must be submitted to the Chair of the SIS Council and to specified offices at AALL Headquarters. These include the following:

  1. A list of new officers (to SIS Council Chair and to the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director);

  2. 2. An annual end-of-the year update of the SIS history for the SIS Handbook (to Council Chair and Program Coordinator for Meetings and Special Events);

  3. An annual update of any SIS bylaw revisions for the permanent computer files at headquarters and for inclusion in the SIS Handbook (to Council Chair and Executive Assistant to the Executive Director)

  4. An annual "biography" form indicating SIS activity during the year (to Council Chair);

  5. An annual report complying with the guidelines specified by Headquarters. The annual reports will be published in Law Library Journal. Customarily they should include a summary of SIS accomplishments during the year, as well as continuing projects and programs. Procedural and administrative problems encountered by the SIS should be noted, and suggestions for the next year are encouraged. The reports are to be submitted to the Editor on disk or via e-mail and should be copied to the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director. If a report exceeds 250 words, an abstract must be included.


AALLNET ( is AALL's official Internet site. It is an important tool for conducting Association business, a resource for AALL members, and a marketing tool for promoting law librarianship. It should contain up-to-date information that will be useful to members, as well as historical and archival information. SIS chairs should check AALLNET frequently for new or revised policies, procedures, forms, and other information.

A wealth of SIS-related information and resources is available within the AALLNET Leadership section of AALLNET. The SIS Council Chair, who serves as content provider, provides the information appearing here.

Individual SIS web pages and profiles are linked to this general page. Each SIS is responsible for maintaining up-to-date information and links. Each SIS chair should appoint a SIS Web Content Provider who will work with the AALL Webmaster to link to an existing SIS site or create an account on the AALL server.

A new web site for SIS Council offers links to a Listing of Special Interest Sections, the SIS Calendar of Activities, SIS Model Bylaws, and the Roster of Current Members.

AALL policies and materials are increasingly available on AALLNET, where they can be updated quickly. From the home page ( click on "ABOUT AALL." The menu on the left side of the page includes the heading "Governance," under which will be found four subheads, any one of which will retrieve the following listing. Direct links to the documents are located within "Policies, Procedures & Resolutions":

AALL Association Policies:

Executive Board Procedures and Policies:

AALL Public Policy Statements:

AALL Recommended Guidelines & Procedures:

SIS Council Listserv

In July 1996, a listserv was created to provide a convenient, efficient, and rapid way for members of the SIS Council to communicate. It is used by the SIS Council Chair to issue updates and reminders, and is also a means for SIS Chairs to interact with each other on programmatic, strategic, administrative, or policy issues. It is a closed list with membership limited to current and past SIS Chairs and Chairs-Elect, SIS Council Chair, AALL Executive Board Liaison, and Headquarters Liaison. Send e-mail posts to:

Election Process Participation

On July 5, 1986, the Executive Board adopted the following policy:

The use of all Association publications, including those published by the Special Interest Sections, for the promotion of candidates for election to the Executive Board, either by reference in an article or by means of paid advertising, is prohibited. Neither shall the membership list of the Association or that of Special Interest Sections be sold or given to an individual or group or used by them for the promotion of candidates for election to the Executive Board. (AALL Minutes 1046)

At its November 14, 1998 meeting the Executive Board approved the "AALL Conduct of Election Policy" stating that candidates "should do all they can to ensure that Association entities, SISs and Chapters, treat fairly and equitably themselves and other candidates for the same position on the Executive Board." (AALL Minutes 2595) See, AALL Conduct of Election Policy:

Program Coordinator for Meetings & Special Events

The Program Coordinator for Meetings & Special Events serves as the primary staff contact for SIS Chairs needing information and assistance.

SISs sponsoring educational programs in addition to those selected by the Annual Meeting Program Selection Committee should provide the Program Coordinator for Meetings & Special Events with information about outstanding speakers. These speakers can then be added to the speaker database maintained at Headquarters.

SISs seeking speakers on particular topics are encouraged to consult the Program Coordinator for Meetings & Special Events for suggestions.

Nominations Process for AALL Offices

The AALL Nominations Committee contacts all SIS chairs to solicit suggestions for nominees for AALL national offices.

Public Relations Program

Each SIS should actively pursue a public relations program. This could include brochures, the SIS newsletter, and promotion of SIS activities.

The AALL Public Relations Committee can offer assistance in implementing public relations projects.

The Public Relations Committee should be notified of SIS projects and activities.

AALL Spectrum

Each SIS is encouraged to contribute information to the AALL Spectrum SIS column. This is an excellent public relations tool.

Deadlines for the column are sent to each SIS Chair.

The lead-time for the production of the AALL Spectrum is 4 to 5 weeks. Therefore SISs may need to submit copy about upcoming events several months in advance. This is particularly important if the SIS is asking members to respond with nominations, applications, or other submissions.

AALL members usually receive the AALL Spectrum by the third week of each month it is published. There is no issue in January or August.

AALL Archives

At the end of each SIS chair's term, s/he is responsible for weeding and transferring files of the preceding chair to the archives at the end of the SIS year. The chair shall pass the complete files created during his/her tenure, as well as any older files still needed for on-going projects, to the succeeding chair at or immediately following the annual meeting.

Transferred documents shall be sent with a cover letter from the chair indicating the name of the SIS, the name of the chair submitting the documents, his/her term of office, and a brief description of the documents being submitted which includes the name and term of the previous chair. Documents shall be sent to: Mr. Bill Maher, University Archives, 19 Library, 1408 W. Gregory, Urbana, IL 61801.

Documents to be transferred to the archives include:

  • Official records: constitutions and bylaws, minutes and proceedings, transcripts, lists of officers and members, interim and annual reports
  • Historical files documenting policies, decisions, committee and task force reports, and questionnaires
  • Office files: correspondence and memoranda (incoming and outgoing), subject files concerning projects, activities and functions
  • Publications: one record copy of all programs, journals, monographs, newsletters, brochures, posters, and announcements issued by the SIS
  • Audio-visuals: photographs and sound recordings

Documents that may be discarded include:

  • Specific financial and membership transactions
  • Requests for publications or information after the requests have been filled
  • Blank forms and unused printed or duplicated materials
  • Replies to questionnaires if the results are recorded and preserved either in the archives or in a published form

See archives policy on AALLNET:

SIS Handbook Revision

The Executive Board SIS Liaison and the Chair of the SIS Council shall be responsible for the regular updating and revisions of the SIS Handbook.

As Constitution and Bylaw amendments and Executive Board policies affecting SISs are adopted, this information needs to be incorporated into the SIS Handbook.

Liaisons to AALL Committees

A SIS may designate one of its members who is also a member of an AALL Committee to act as liaison between the SIS and the Committee. The Technical Services SIS, for example, selects an Education Committee member/TS-SIS member to act as a liaison to the Committee.

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