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SIS Publications

AALL Publication Procedures

At its June 15, 1990, meeting the AALL Executive Board unanimously adopted the recommendations in the report of the Special Committee on AALL's Publication Program (AALL Minutes 1540). Any AALL entity, including SISs, or any individual interested in proposing an Association publication must follow the steps outlined in the AALL Publications Procedures.


Each SIS is encouraged to produce a brochure describing its activities, purpose and goals.

In order to assure consistency in design and to promote a unified public relations endeavor, all SISs must have their brochures produced by AALL Headquarters. The Association's graphic designer and the AALL Director of Publications will provide assistance.

The Association will pay for the graphic design of an SIS's brochure every three years.

Any SIS wishing to alter the design, i.e. content, of their brochure more frequently than every three years must pay for the graphic designer fees from their SIS's funds.

Headquarters must print brochures. All printing costs will be charged back to the SIS's account.

SIS chairs must contact the Director of Publications prior to work on a new brochure. The Director of Publications will provide the chair with guidelines.

The following deadlines must be followed in the design of a new brochure:

At Annual Meeting: Determine your SIS's need for a new or revised brochure; inform Director of Publications of your decision
December 1: Draft to SIS Council Chair
January 15: Draft to Public Relations Coordinator
March 1: Final copy to Director of Publications



All SISs publish a newsletter. The Online Bibliographic Services and Technical Services SISs produce theirs jointly.

Each SIS selects its own newsletter editor, and the individual styles of the publications vary considerably.

All newsletters must carry the AALL logo.

SISs may sell advertising for their newsletters. If an SIS solicits and sells advertising for its newsletter, the SIS treasurer should contact the AALL Director of Finance and Administration to coordinate income management. All checks for newsletter advertising need to be sent to the AALL Director of Finance and Administration at Headquarters. All checks must be made payable to AALL with a notation that the funds are for newsletter advertising.

SISs are responsible for printing their own newsletters. They are also responsible for the following special distributions of their newsletters.


Each SIS's newsletter is distributed free to its members.

Distribution Beyond the SIS

Copies of each SISs newsletter must be provided to the following:

  • Chairs of all other SISs
  • AALL President
  • AALL President-elect
  • Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair
  • Liaison to the SIS Council
  • AALL Spectrum editor
  • SIS Council Chair
  • Headquarters
  • AALL Archives

SIS newsletter mailing labels include labels to fulfill this distribution. Be sure to specify newsletter labels and not SIS membership labels.

If the SIS newsletter is published online only then the editor should notify the above individuals of each publication and provide a link to the online newsletter.

SIS Web Sites and Discussion Forums

Each SIS has a Website and a discussion forum for its members. The AALL Web Administrator provides support for SIS webmasters and discussion forum managers. AALLNET provides guidelines and tips for getting started and for adding features at Training workshops for SIS webmasters and SIS discussion forum managers are provided at the Annual Meeting.

Profits (Other than Royalties) From Sale of SIS Publications

Profits from projects (including publications) which have not required AALL financial support may be retained entirely by the SIS.

Publications (Other than Newsletters)

AALL Publications Policy and AALL
Publications Committees' Approval

The AALL Publications Committee serves to provide member oversight of the publications program and to recommend policy to the AALL Executive Board. Committee members review proposals and manuscripts, and the Committee as a whole makes a recommendation on whether a proposal or manuscript should be accepted for publication.

An SIS must first seek the approval of the Chair of the Publications Committee for any proposed publication (other than a newsletter). Other specific publications procedures are outlined in the AALL Publications Procedures at

All publications must be copyrighted to AALL.

Commercially-sponsored Publications

Commercial publishers produce two series of AALL publications, and additional individual works have obtained commercial sponsorship. Such publications and contractual arrangements pertaining to them must receive the approval of the AALL Publications Committee and the Executive Board.

After publication, the AALL Publications Committee monitors the sales and general well being of the publications and makes necessary recommendations.

Any SIS literature under consideration by commercial publishers must undergo this process.

Publications Subsidized by AALL

AALL currently subsidizes the publication and mailing of several works for prisoners issued by the Law Library Services to Institutional Residents Committee of the Social Responsibilities SIS.

The Association also provided funding for the reproduction of offprints from Law Library Journal for the standards for appellate court and county law libraries produced by the State, Court and County Law Libraries SIS. The standards were mailed at Association expense to all courts in the United States.


If a contract for a commercially published SIS publication specifies that royalties will be paid, the SIS may use the portion necessary to cover production expenses.

Any excess royalties will be split 50-50 with AALL.

When an SIS makes a proposal to the Publications Committee, it should designate whether the SIS, an individual author, or another source is to receive its share of royalties.

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