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SIS Finances

Updated: May 2, 2008
Contact: Paula Davidson, Director of Finance & Administration

Bank Accounts

SISs may not maintain separate bank accounts, but must voucher all revenues and expenses through their AALL accounts maintained at Headquarters. (AALL Minutes 535)


Any AALL individual active member, designated institutional member, individual associate member, institutional associate member, retired member or student member may join a SIS by paying $15.00 to AALL at any point during the year.

50% of the dues paid for SIS memberships is allocated to the SIS. On September 30 of each year, the SIS's will be credited with the dues income available to them for the succeeding twelve-month period. By October 1 of each year, SISs will be notified of the amount allocated to them from this source. (Financial Long-Range Plan 1995-1998).

Annually on May 31st, the AALL Membership Coordinator will compile a listing by SIS of all members whose join date in their membership record is between October 1st of the previous year through that May 31st. The AALL Director of Finance will use the report to calculate a dues credit of $6 for each of the listed members and will credit that amount to the respective SISs. This credit will appear on the accounts of the SISs on May 31st annually. This means that each SIS, in addition to receiving its usual September 30th credit, will also receive a May 31st credit for these interim joiners.

Financial Statements

Headquarters sends each SIS a quarterly financial statement listing all income from dues, etc., and all expenses charged to the SIS.

These reports will be sent to the SIS chair or other designated officer. The Chair of SIS Council should be advised if statements are not regularly received.

Deposit of Revenues

All revenues received by an SIS from outside sources such as contributions, publication sales, or other activities must be deposited by the AALL and credited to the Specific SIS account.
All checks, drafts, or other form of remittance are to be forwarded to the attention of the AALL Director of Finance and Administration.
A "Deposit of Revenues" form must be included with the checks. A downloadable copy of the form is available here

Payment of SIS Expenses at the Annual Meeting

See section on "Annual Meeting" which details the requirements for payment of expenses for SIS meals, equipment, etc.

Reimbursement of Other Expenses

AALL requires that a special "Request Form" be completed when a request for reimbursement of expenses related to official business is made. Contact Headquarters for the current form or download it here.

The form should be used when requesting reimbursement for expenses such as postage, printing, telephone calls, duplication costs, etc. associated with SIS business.

The form should also be used when a member is requesting reimbursement to his/her firm or institution for expenses related to the work of his/her SIS.

Appropriate documentation is to be attached to each request form submitted to the AALL Director of Finance and Administration.

SIS members should submit reimbursement requests to the SIS treasurer. The treasurer then prepares and submits the reimbursement forms to the AALL Director of Finance and Administration. This allows the SIS treasurer to evaluate, approve, and keep track of expenditures of SIS funds.

Royalties from AALL Publications Series

Each SIS may retain or designate the 50 percent that AALL shares with authors in the AALL Publication Series. (AALL Minutes 603)

Solicitation of Funds by SISs

All potential revenue-­­producing activities, including the sale of advertising by any component of AALL, must be approved in advance by the Executive Director.

In September 2000, the Executive Board and Executive Director of AALL distributed the following statement governing SIS Fundraising and Donor Support of Annual Meeting Events:

While recognizing that SIS chairs have a genuine interest in raising funds for their activities, particularly social events at the Annual Meeting, and while also recognizing that many SIS chairs have unique and beneficial relationships with potential donors, it is important to coordinate fund raising on behalf of AALL and its entities like SISs and committees. In an effort to address the importance of this process, the Executive Board approved the following policy governing fund-raising activities by AALL entities:

Annual fund-raising activity (Financial Policy: Section VIII. Development)

Because AALL recognizes the need for a coordinated fund-raising effort, the Executive Board has delegated the following responsibilities to the Executive Director.
  1. All solicitations for funds for all purposes must be coordinated by the Executive Director before potential donors are contacted.
  2. The Executive Director will take into account in coordinating such activities the potential for a major donation from the vendor that might be compromised by a solicitation for a less significant amount.

When an SIS chair wants to approach or is approached by a potential donor or sponsor (publisher, law firm, individual) please inform the Executive Director as soon as possible before making a contact or a commitment. Many sponsors support the same event annually and this notification simply keeps all parties well informed.

The Executive Director can ensure that all entities interested in soliciting funds are informed about the current status of sponsor contacts and pledges. The Executive Director must also ensure that all invoices are issued promptly for all pledges, that all contributions are properly recorded, and that all donors are recognized in Annual Meeting signage and publications. This latter point is particularly important to donors.

At its April 2008 meeting, the Executive Board approved an AALL Sponsorship Policy.

The policy defines a sponsorship as a mutually beneficial exchange whereby the sponsor receives value in return for cash or goods-or services-in-kind provided to the Association. The policy also provides for a right to refuse sponsorships by business entities that do not contribute information to the AALL Price Index or abide by the Fair Business Practices Guide. The Executive Director or designate is responsible for determining whether a sponsorship will be solicited and/or accepted based on an assessment of the best interests of the Association and the wishes of its members. The acceptance of sponsorships shall be consistent with the Association’s Strategic Directions and Financial Policies.

The AALL Director of Meetings serves as a primary contact and resource person at headquarters, assisting SIS Chairs to plan all aspects of their activities, receptions, and meal events, including menu selection and setting registration ticket prices. SISs are responsible for funding all their social events, breakfasts, lunches and receptions, either through their own funds, through ticket sales, or through sponsorships. When revenues exceed the direct costs of the social event, the SIS account is credited. When expenses exceed revenues, the SIS account is debited by the amount of the deficit. AALL does not charge overhead on these social events.

Sponsorship of SIS Events/Projects by Outside Entities

The same rules stated in the above section on "Solicitation of Funds" generally apply to requests for sponsorship of events, publications, etc. However, such sponsorship sometimes involves no exchange of money, but rather the provision of entertainment or services such as a reception given by a law school for the Academic SIS or printing of an SIS newsletter by a publisher. In such an instance, the SIS should still seek Executive Board approval for the event or service.

Special Budget Requests

SISs may request funding from AALL for projects through the Association's regular budgeting process. Information about this process appears in Section III, page 18 of the Financial Policies of the Association.

A Budget Calendar appears at Appendix VII, page 60 of the same document, and on AALLNET.

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Grants

The Continuing Professional Education Committee provides grants to fund educational opportunities outside of the Annual Meeting. SISs are encouraged to apply for these funds to develop and present in-person or online classes or other resources for members. CPE will also ask SIS leaders to nominate Annual Meeting programs to be recorded and made available online to members who can not attend the Annual Meeting.

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