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SISs frequently bring important issues to the attention of the AALL membership and the community at large by issuing resolutions. An SIS has the option of presenting its resolution before the membership of the Association assembled at an AALL business meeting without prior approval by the Board.

Furthermore, a resolution sent to the Board, but failing to receive approval, may be brought before the general membership at a subsequent business meeting for consideration.

The Board itself may elect to bring a resolution, whether approved or disapproved by it, to the full membership for debate and a vote.

Regardless of whether an SIS presents a resolution to the Executive Board or to the general membership, a transmittal letter with a list of people to whom the resolution should be sent should accompany it.

No resolution should be transmitted outside of the Association without the approval of the AALL Executive Board or the full membership.

Expressions of Opinion

At its July 10, 1998 meeting the Executive Board revised the AALL policy on "Speaking for AALL".

The revised policy adopted at the July 10, 1998 meeting supersedes earlier practices, and states:

Two bodies are empowered to set policies for AALL: 1) the Executive Board, in its policy-making role, and 2) the membership, expressed through votes at Annual Meetings, or, when appropriate, by ballot. The official and customary spokespersons for these policies are the President and the Executive Director. Any questions from the press or other such parties received by Executive Board members, officers of Special Interest Sections, or other members should be directed to either the President or the Executive Director. On occasion the President may delegate authority to speak on behalf of the Association to a person with particular expertise in the area of inquiry or interest.

AALL committees and representatives (including the Washington Affairs Representative) whose charges so state, are encouraged to convey information, prepare testimony, or express opinions based on their professional expertise and in accordance with AALL policy. No such person may bind AALL on a matter that is not covered by policy without specific authorization to do so by the President. Whenever individuals represent the Association, they will keep the President and the Executive Director informed of all such contact.

The policy also appears at:


SISs may not design their own stationery. (AALL Minutes 575).

SIS Stationery should consist of AALL stationery, available from Headquarters, with a line for the SIS name.

SIS accounts will be charged for AALL stationery ordered.

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