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AALL Professional DevelopmentAmerican Association Of Law Libraries
Chapter Professional Development Awards


One of the most important roles of the American Association of Law Libraries is to provide quality professional development opportunities for its members. To recognize significant achievements in designing outstanding professional development programs for its members (and other librarians) and to reward chapters for performing well in this endeavor, the American Association of Law Libraries Career Development Taskforce created awards focusing on educational programming. One Professional Development Award recognizes a chapter that excels at designing a comprehensive quality professional development program, up to one year in length. A second Professional Development Award recognizes a chapter for a single quality program or workshop of one-half day in length or more.


Eligible chapter programs are those that have been conducted during the calendar year prior to the February 1 awards deadline. Recipients of the awards may be any AALL chapter as represented by officers of that chapter.

Administration Of The Award

The Chapter Professional Development Awards is administered by the AALL Awards Committee. The Awards Committee shall: advertise the awards; solicit nominations for the awards; review the nominations; make the final decisions; notify the winners; and handle subsequent publicity activities and any miscellaneous tasks that arise in the administration of the awards.

Judging Criteria

  • The extent to which a professional development program significantly improves an AALL chapter member's knowledge of his/her job skills or improves an AALL chapter member's knowledge of a broad or narrow area of law. (As measured by the compilation of program evaluations and comments)

  • The extent to which a program advances the AALL Competencies for Law Librarians

  • The extent to which a program achieves the learning objectives of the program presenters.

  • A professional development program that introduces an AALL chapter member to a new or changed area of law or law librarianship.

  • The extent to which the qualifications/training of the instructors significantly contribute to the quality of a program.

  • A professional development program which applies principles of adult education and/or unique learning methodologies in its format.

  • The extent to which the quality of the handouts/written documentation of a program enhances the learning experience.

In order to assist the Awards Committee in evaluating how well a program meets the above criteria, the chapter must include a summary of the attendees' evaluation forms for the program or copies of all the actual attendees' evaluation forms and copies of announcements, brochures, hand-outs and speakers' biographies.

Award Process

Four copies of the nominations for the awards should be sent to:

Ms. Carmen Brigandi
Assistant Director for Technical and Administrative Services
California Western School of Law Library
225 Cedar St.
San Diego, CA 92101-3046

Phone: 619/525-1437
Fax: 619/685-2918
Nominations may be submitted by chapter members, a Chapter officer, the Chapter president acting on behalf of the Chapter's executive board or any program attendee.

Click here to download the Nomination Form

A subcommittee of the Awards Committee, including the Awards Committee chair, will review the nominations and make a final decision on which chapters will receive the awards. Each nominee shall be considered individually and confidentially and will be judged according to the criteria listed above. To ensure confidentiality, contact with members of AALL other than the person(s) nominating, other Awards Committee members should be avoided.

Frequency and number of awards: Either or both Award(s) may be presented annually, but there is no requirement that either Award be given each year.

Deadline for nominations: Nominations must be submitted no later than February 1 of each year, to allow the committee sufficient time to complete its deliberations and to complete the administrative aspects of the award.

Award Presentation

The award shall be presented during the AALL Annual Meeting. It will be given in the name of the Association and will consist of an appropriate memorial to honor the chapter's achievements.


Comprehensive Chapter Professional Development Award

Recognizes a chapter that excelled at designing a comprehensive qual-ity professional development program, up to one year in length.

2005 Recipient
Minnesota Association of Law Libraries (MALL)
Locating Legal Information on the Web

2002 Recipient
Law Librarians of New England (LLNE)
Introduction to Legal Research

One-Time Chapter Professional Development Award

Given to a chapter for a single quality program or workshop of one-half day or more.

2008 Recipient
Colorado Association of Law Libraries (COALL)
Spotlight on Your Career: Communication

2007 Recipient
Colorado Association of Law Libraries (COALL)
Spotlight on Your Career

2005 Recipient
Northern California Association of Law Libraries (NOCALL)
NOCALL 2004 Spring Institute – Navigating the Seven C’s

2004 Recipient
Law Librarians Society of Washington, D.C., Inc. (LLSDC)
Legal Research Institute – 2003

2003 Recipient
Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL)
Exploring Connections at VALL – 2002

2002 Recipient
Colorado Association of Law Libraries (COALL)
As We Enter the New Millennium…

   © 2009 American Association of Law Libraries