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Special Recognition

photo of Will Allen OFRF CONGRATULATES WILL ALLEN, founder and director of Growing Power in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for being awarded a 2008 MacArthur Foundation Fellowship (September 2008). The MacArthur Fellows Program awards $500,000 to individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits and a marked capacity for self-direction.

Growing Power produces food year-round on two acres located within Milwaukee's city limits and serves as a model and inspiration for urban agriculture and community building. More on Will Allen's award from the MacArthur Foundation...and New York Times story.


In the "inspirational" movie category is an upcoming film, The Greenhorns, a documentary that explores the lives banner of greenhorns documentary
of America’s young farming community—its spirit, practices, and needs. It isn't scheduled for release until late in 2009, but right now you can nominate farmers to be considered for the film, check out the Greenhorns blog or catch the trailer for a sneak preview.


For over 20 years, Farm Aid has galvanized the movement for family farms and good food. Farm Aid: Song For America chronicles the story of Farm Aid artists Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews cause-related concerts. Includes essays by by such diverse writers as Wendell Berry, Howard Zinn, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, and OFRF's own Executive Director Bob Scowcroft. Click the following link to read Bob's excerpt, Organic Farming: A Solution Story.
Organic, Inc.
Organic Inc., Natural Foods and How they Grew describes the growth of the organic food and farming cultural movement. Author Samuel Fromartz pursues the historical cultural origins of organic food (which he traces to 19th century Romantics) and follows the story through the development of the "industrial" organic.


US Organic Maps

OFRF's IT Manager, Jose Torres, has worked with the USDA's National Organic Program database of organic operations and created a mapping overlay to show their locations (represented as red dots). This is based on data for 2006.

The community of U.S. organic operations:

distribution of organic operations in US

You can also view this map with Google Earth. USOrganicOperation.kmz
If you don't have Google earth, you can download it for free here.

New Maps! Now view additional maps on our US Organic Maps page, including:

Number of organic acres, by state
Percentage of crops farmed organically, by state




OFRF's "food for thought" pages for the community of people who support organic farming and sustainable food systems

in the Media:

OFRF's Bob Scowcroft looks at the history of organic and the industry today in the Winter 2006/2007 edition of Green Money Journal:
The Organic Conversation Begins Anew (Again)

The Nation magazine takes on the food issue by publishing "The Food Issue." The weekly magazine's September 11 edition, under the editorial counsel of Alice Waters, is dedicated almost entirely to essays about food and how we eat, with contributions from over 15 notable food writers, including Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiva, Frances Moore Lappe, and Wendell Berry.